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in DevOps and Agile by (45k points)

Could someone tell me what is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Site Reliability Engineering is a similar approach to DevOps for developing software and maintaining its Lifecycle. A professional employed to undertake SRE is called a Site Reliability Engineer. They ought to know both the development and operations side of things. A good SR Engineer will be a software engineer having sound IT operations knowledge or a Sysadmin or IT operations guy with a good grip on software engineering or software development. Because by being an SRE you need to spend 50% of your time, developing software, automating it, and the rest 50% will be spent in testing and deploying it. Site Reliability Engineering is all about taking a software engineering approach to infrastructure and operations problems.

If you wish to advance in your career like SRE, which is very similar to DevOps, I would suggest you enroll in a DevOps certification course from Intellipaat which offers you industry leading the instructor-led course and guided projects and exercises to enhance your practical skills. Also, watch our YouTube video on DevOps vs SRE to better understand that difference.

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