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in Azure by (29.3k points)

In Azure training, I have learned few differences between private endpoints and service points and its usage. But I couldn't found much on using Azure service endpoints together with Private endpoints.

I was looking for an architecture, which uses service endpoints and VNET's for communication and private endpoints for getting the services from on-premise using VPN.

For this architecture, we have several service and private endpoints. But we cannot test the those endpoints, as they are not enabled with us. Does this architecture work?

1 Answer

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by (50.2k points)

Service Endpoint and Private endpoint in this architecture are defined for a similar purpose. The major difference will be with the public and the private endpoints. Where service endpoints can be accessible as a public endpoint.

If you are configuring architecture to connect on-premise and cloud vnet. Then private links will act as a DNS routable name. So that you can access your private endpoint.

Now with the latest update, we can use a Web App. You need not use VNET for storing the APP.

For more details, refer to the below tutorial on Azure Training.

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