Free Webinar

DevOps and Cloud Integration

August 28, 2022 | 03:00 pm (IST)

Rabi A

DevOps Engineer

Ex. Capgemini

About the Webinar

DevOps combines software and operations and that helps in enabling faster development of applications and ease of maintaining deployed and existing applications. Organizations have rapidly adopted DevOps, and hence, both the demand and pay for skilled DevOps professionals have increased. Organizations are investing in smart, technology-driven software, and this is expected to be the trend in the coming years. In this webinar, you will learn how to integrate cloud and DevOps and build an end-to-end project based on the fundamentals of these technologies.


  1. Introduction to DevOps
  2. Understanding cloud fundamentals
  3. Hands-on: Creating a website and deploying it on cloud using DevOps tools
  4. Understanding architecture nuances and scaling fundamentals


Rabi A

DevOps Engineer


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