Free Webinar

Hands-on Project of Natural Language Processing and it's fundamentals

August 21, 2022 | 03:00 pm (IST)

Ankit Tanmay

Data and Applied Scientist


About the Webinar

Natural Language Processing is a theoretically motivated range of computational techniques for analyzing and representing naturally occurring texts at one or more levels of linguistic analysis for the purpose of achieving human-like language processing for a range of tasks or applications. By the end of this webinar, you will have an overview of natural language processing and how it can help organizations.


  1. Introduction to NLP with machine learning techniques
  2. Introduction to deep learning
  3. Difference between machine learning and deep learning
  4. What is a neural network?
  5. Different types of neural networks
  6. Introduction to NLP with deep learning

About the Speaker

My Ankit is Data scientist with four years of experience in providing data driven solutions to complex business problems in predictive and inquisitive analytics domain to Fortune 500 Companies. In-depth knowledge with experience of using multiple machine learning algorithms (for classification, Regression, and clustering) and statistical techniques for hypothesis testing in the inference/prediction models created for the projects.


Ankit Tanmay

Data and Applied Scientist


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