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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

What is the use of Kubernetes?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)
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Kubernetes is a container orchestrator which is being used to automate app build, test, development and management. It is one of the most powerful orchestration systems on the market today and given its open-source nature and wide container management capabilities, no wonder that it gained momentum with cloud platforms so quickly. 

Now let's know what an orchestration system. So, an orchestration system provides you with the automated configuration which coordination and management of complex computing networks, systems and services. These computing systems are designed to reduce the time and manual manipulation required to align a business’ applications, data and infrastructure. In order to learn about Kubernetes and have a decent and valuable certificate then you can visit Intellipaat Kubernetes Training course. If you like to read the concepts than you can read the following Kubernetes tutorial. You can also watch the video tutorials free of cost on Youtube visit the link mentioned below:-

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