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in Python by (19.4k points)
Why is Python so popular despite being so slow?

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by (27.5k points)

When it comes to software development,  performance of the code and performance of the people developing the code, are two things that matter the most. Python is slow as it uses interpreter not compiler like C, C++, C#. But it allows the developers to perform better at developing the product, write shorter codes, that are more maintainable. 

Also, Python is one of the most versatile programming languages out there.There are so many things you can do with Python once you master the language. In order to get started with Python refer to this Python Certification Course

Here's a few interesting things you can do using Python:

Web Development: With the help of Python develop of website with a back-end supporting REST API using python frameworks such as Django / Flask. Get started with Django Web Framework

Data Analysis: Python offers different libraries, such as PandasMatplotlib,etc., to analyse data obtained either online or offline. 

Web Scraping: Using Python's different libraries such as Requests, BeautifulSoup , Scrapy, you can scrape data from a website. 

Machine Learning: Starting from predicting stocks, finger print identification, spam detection, to self driving cars, Machine Learning is taking over the world. Python is considered as the best programming language for Machine Learning and AI. 

Automate a Facebook post: Cool things such as opening a browser and posting a Facebook status can be done using Selenium with python.

Build games: Develop a video game using Python's Pygame. Here's a video tutorial of implementing Pygame. 

Here's a tutorial video for you to get started with Python. 

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