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in Data Science by (17.6k points)
Which programming languages are used in artificial intelligence?

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by (41.4k points)

Artificial Intelligence, study of intelligent agents that are proficient in thinking and make decisions, understanding relations in the environment and perform human-like cognitive behavior. The field of AI is growing at a fast pace as scientists are finding different dimensions where it can be implemented. Depending on the requirement, an AI can be worked out for a small mobile device to a global-wide distributed service being accessed by millions of people every minute.

Now the language preferred for such systems should also be adjusted to a purpose.

1.Lisp: The oldest and famous language(though not used much these days) created by the Father of Modern Artificial Intelligence Dr. John McCarthy. Lisp was originally formed in the late 1950s for mathematical function based computation(Lambda Calculus). Websites like Hacker News, Reddit(First version) uses Lisp for the build.

2.Python: One of the widely used and the best languages to work with. It Can be used along popular Neural Network-based libraries like TensorFlow, Theano, etc. It is equipped with good analytics and ML libraries(SciKitLearn).

3. Haskell: Excellent language for implementing Non-deterministic algorithms. Will be a handy tool for AI development.

4. C++: It’s all about the speed! C++ with its STL and stretchable structure is a planned language for AI development these days.

If you want to start with Python programming language for Artificial Intelligence then you can learn it from this tutorial:

If you are a complete beginner and want to make your career as an AI engineer then go through this Artificial Intelligence course and upskill yourself.

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