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in AI and Deep Learning by (17.6k points)
Is artificial intelligence going to generate unemployment?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)

It completely depends upon your skills to survive on this planet. If you are not skilled in any particular area not only technology you will be unemployed.

The technology will definitely grow as the researchers are curious to find and create new things that can revolutionize the world. Technology will grow at a good pace. Also, it will create a huge number of job opportunities for people because they need people to work on this technology. So, it would be wrong to say that it would generate unemployment.

Artificial Intelligence has a lot of job opportunities. The salary provided to an AI engineer is also very high in comparison to other job profiles. So, if you want to make your career in AI then go through this Artificial Intelligence tutorial.

Also, if you want to learn AI from scratch you must go through this tutorial:

To pursue a career as an AI Engineer you must take an Artificial Intelligence Training that will help you to become a certified professional of Artificial Intelligence.

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