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in AI and Deep Learning by (17.6k points)
What jobs cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)

From my point of view jobs such as a Lawyer, Judge, etc. that require an extreme level of thinking from every part of the brain (i.e. logical, emotions and based on facts and evidence and consequences) for making decisions. These types of jobs cannot be replaced by Artificial Intelligence robots or other machines.

But scope and demand for Artificial Intelligence will be in a high rise in the coming time because every industry will move towards automation.

So, for making a bright career as an AI Engineer you must have the proper skillset. To acquire this skillset you must start with the Artificial Intelligence tutorial.

To dive more into the world of Artificial Intelligence you must watch this comprehensive tutorial on AI:

Last thing, Certification acts as a hallmark for your skills, so, you must go for an Artificial Intelligence certification course because it is a Live Instructor-Led training with a real-time industry-oriented project.

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