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in AI and Deep Learning by (820 points)
What database storage does an AI require?

1 Answer

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by (2.7k points)

Although it may not seem like it, Artificial Intelligence systems can be built even without a database. However, similar to other software applications, even Artificial Intelligence requires a form of data storage. 

There are numerous types of storage, and presently database is one of the most commonly used storage. Database, in simple words, is an organized collection of large amounts of business data that are stored in the form of tables and the data values are in the respective rows and columns. Databases are built on file systems and they help developers access the required data and related data from various tables as per the business necessities.

If you combine the use of databases with Artificial Intelligence, the system is referred to as an intelligent database and this field of study is still in the research phase. Here, AI uses the database to collect and store large volumes of business data to gain insights. However, these technologies are still not integrated well together. Ai just uses databases as and when required.

Some of the reasons why Ai works without databases and uses file systems to store date are listed below:

  • A large amount of data in the form of videos or images cannot be stored easily in a database
  • AI processes real-time data that cannot be stored anywhere
  • The files that need to be stored can easily be stored in file systems as compared to the databases

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