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in R Programming by (7.3k points)

Could someone tell me what are the applications of R programming?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)
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R is extensively used in all data-driven industries. No doubt, why it is extensively used in the data science domain. R is an open-source and free programming language that has a great and engaging community that contribute to its developments and take it to newer heights. Well, R is applicable to all the industries running on large amounts of data, but let me share some of the top industries that are using R to derive meaning from large amounts of structured and unstructured data:

  1. Finance and Banking industries- determine risk analytics, create financial reports, risk modeling, etc.
  2. R is used in healthcare, to study genetics, drug discovery, epidemiology, and other scientific studies which need to manage a very huge quantity of data to perform analysis and drive insights.
  3. Social media is another data-hungry domain, where there is the absolute necessity of programming languages like R, for marketing purposes and measure metrics, etc.
  4. E-commerce is another industry that dwells on data, R is very essential in deriving key insights from the insanely large amounts of data from multiple sources.
  5. R is used to measure customer sentiment, by various manufacturing companies like automotive companies, electronic companies, etc. R is used by many companies around the globe, like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Thomas Cook, Wipro, etc. 

If you are interested in learning R, check out the R certification course from Intellipaat. If you are preparing for an R programming interview, then have a look at our latest YouTube video on R Programming Interview Questions.

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