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in R Programming by (7.3k points)

What are the benefits of R programming?

1 Answer

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by (41.4k points)
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R is no doubt, one of the most popular programming languages. Developed by 2 New Zealand statisticians named Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman. R is based on statistics and is extensively used in the data science domain. R has numerous benefits, to write fully describing the benefits of each of these features are out of the scope of this answer, so let me share just some of the benefits of R programming:

  1. The most heard statement that is beneficial for those learning R is that it is free and open-source; that means you don’t need to pay any licensing fee or take subscriptions to use it.
  2. Has an outstanding community who are keeping up the R updated and adding new features along with providing support for fellow programmers.
  3. R is a cross-platform language, and that means it could be run anywhere, let it be Windows, Linux (Unix systems), or even Mac too.
  4. R is said to have high extensibility. And that means it supports a wide variety of extensions that make it possible to perform various functions like statistical modeling, data manipulation, data wrangling, etc.
  5. With growing popularity, R started to come out with high connections with other languages like Java, C++, Python, etc. so anyone using this software could easily get his work done, without even needing to shift languages.

The benefits of R are much more than those outlined here. If you wish to know more about R, have a look at the R programming tutorial. And if you wish to get certified in R, then check out the R certification from Intellipaat. And also watch our latest YouTube video on R Programming Interview Questions and Answers if you are someone who is preparing for an R Programming interview.

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