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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what are the responsibilities of a Business Analyst?

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by (45.3k points)

Business Analysts are hugely in demand across the world. As businesses have realized the importance of the data that plays in the growth of the business. And so, they require qualified and skilled Business Analysts, to get meaningful insights from huge quantities of data to power their businesses for growth. Some of the major responsibilities of a Business Analyst are:

  • Structuring Business problems through detailed Business Analysis, outlining problems, and giving detailed opportunities and business solutions.
  • They workaround solutions to improve existing business processes.
  • Identify the steps or tasks, that will help in supporting new implementations to drive business growth.
  • Analyze the impact of new features and state business requirements to stakeholders and several organization-specific roles, that differ from company to company.

If you wish to get skilled in Business Analytics, then check out the Business Analyst course, from Intellipaat. If you are just starting out in this domain, then watch the following video on the Business Analyst tutorial for beginners.

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