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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what is the difference between a Business Analyst and Product Manager?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

Business Analyst and Product Manager, is both different in their approach. Even though they are working closely with each other in the same organization. They have a completely different path. Product Manager, by name, is someone who is focused on products and their roadmap. Whereas, Business Analysts, focus on the business aspect, rather than focusing on a single product. Product managers focus on the product and they try to find opportunities by interacting with customers. Whereas, Business Analysts focus on improving the efficiency of the business processes, practices, and internal systems.

If you wish to become a Business Analyst, then I would recommend you to enroll in Business Analyst certification course from Intellipaat. Watch the following video on Business Analytics tutorial for Beginners and get started.

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