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in Data Science by (55.6k points)

Could someone tell me what is the difference between Business Analyst and Project Coordinator?

1 Answer

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by (45.3k points)

Business Analyst and Project Coordinator are two completely different professions within a company or organization. Business Analysts are the ones who focus on improving the business practices, processes, procedures, and systems to bring in more efficiency, and generate actionable and meaningful insights from the available huge data sets, that could empower business decisions. And Project Coordinator are the ones who are related to a project and are dictated by Project Managers on the timings and schedules of the projects, its daily goals, monthly targets, and every other metrics that each project that he/she coordinates has to reach its final stage and completion within the stipulated time.

If you are wishing to break into the Business Analytics domain, then do so by acquiring the right practical experience, by enrolling in a good  Business Analyst certification course from Intellipaat. If you are just starting out on Business Analytics, then check out the Business Analytics tutorial.

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