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What distinguishes AWS from Azure?

1 Answer

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by (3.8k points)

AWS is different from Azure in a few ways. 

  • First, AWS is a cloud service provider. This means that you pay Amazon only for using their services, while Azure charges you for the amount of compute cycles that your applications use.

  • Second, AWS has an extensive ecosystem of third-party services (called "partners") that you can use to build your applications on top of its infrastructure. In contrast, Azure does not have this kind of ecosystem and instead focuses primarily on building its own infrastructure.

  • Third, AWS has a greater focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), which are areas where Azure has been lagging behind for some time now.

So, if you are struggling to choose between AWS and Azure, you can watch Intellipaat’s AWS vs Azure video which will give you a better understanding on the fundamentals of these two cloud services.

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