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in Data Science by (50.2k points)

How do I improve data science skills?

1 Answer

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by (107k points)
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Data science skills enhancement needs constant efforts and practices over months and months. Additionally, you should have the capacity for playing with data and mathematics. Not everyone can see the data in the same way and can obtain information from what is underlying. You can start off with a simple set of data with a lesser number of features. Try to plot graphs, and study this data may be in a simple tool like XL. There are many more sophisticated tools such as SAS, Python, Matlab, R and hundreds of them. And you should get only these tools once you start becoming friendly with data and data starts responding to your friend request.

You can take up some youtube courses for structured reading and understanding, you can take up other MOOC courses available online. You can refer to Intellipaat's online Data Science certification as it will help you in preparing for a career as a Data Scientist and highlights concepts and tools you will need during the entire data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making conclusions and publishing results. It will also help you in developing a portfolio of projects that you can showcase during interviews. And if you are more into videos then do check out the following video tutorial which will help you in mastering in the field of Data Science:

If you want a detailed explanation of Data Science then do check out Intellipaat’s blog which will help you in understanding DS.

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