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in AI and Deep Learning by (55.6k points)

Can anyone help me how to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

1 Answer

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by (119k points)
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To staring learning Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, you should be familiar with python, statistics, linear algebra. So, start with learning at least the minimum basic of these concepts before moving forward. 

For Machine learning, start with learning data pre-processing steps and exploratory data analysis includes univariate and bivariate analysis, handling missing values, anomalies and outliers, and understanding data using visualization. After that understand in-depth about supervised algorithms such as Linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, SVM, XGboost, etc. Also, learn about performance metrics to evaluate the performance of models.

For AI, start with getting familiar with the TensorFlow framework and then learn in-depth about Artificial Neural Networks. After that, understand the architecture of deep neural networks, CNN, RNN, and Auto Encoders. You can check out TensorFlow's official documentation to understand and implement basic AI applications like Image Recognition, Text Classification, Language Translation, etc. using TensorFlow.

You can check out AI online course and ML online course offered by Intellipaat and kickstart your career in the IT industry

Also, watch this video on ML and AI:

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