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in AI and Deep Learning by (45k points)

Could someone tell me why Computer Vision is important?

1 Answer

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by (99k points)

Computer Vision is very important, in today’s world where, every industry is trying to improvise their systems, make them more streamlined, and efficient. Computer Vision essentially means to provide sight or visual capabilities to computers to help them make better decisions much faster, effectively, and reliably than humans could do on a consistent basis. Computer Vision is increasingly being adopted in various industries across the world. Computer Vision is increasingly being used for applications like Theft detection, retail industries, healthcare systems, autonomous cars, manufacturing sectors, quality assessment, etc. And each sector has been immensely helped by implementing Computer Vision extensively, in their processes. If you are interested in building your career in AI, then have a look at Intellipaat’s Artificial Intelligence training course with several projects that will help you in enhancing practical experience and skills.

If you are new to this field, look at the latest YouTube video on Computer Vision Tutorial and get started.

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