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Big Data Hadoop Developer Certification Training

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Big data Hadoop developer training by Intellipaat will master you in HDFS, MapReduce, Yarn, Hive, PIG, Oozie, Flume, etc. In this Big Data Hadoop developer online course you will work on 4 real life projects and prepare yourself for Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification (CCA175) Exam. You will get 6 months of Intellipaat Hadoop cloudlab access with this course.

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30 Hrs Instructor Led Training
30 Hrs Self-paced Videos
60 Hrs Project & Exercises
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Lifetime Free Upgrade
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Hadoop Developer Training Overview

What you will learn in this Hadoop Developer Online Training Course?

  1. Learn the Hadoop Architecture and Hadoop basics for beginners
  2. Learn what is Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce framework
  3. Write MapReduce programs and deploy Hadoop clusters
  4. Develop applications for Big Data using Hadoop Technology
  5. Develop YARN programs on the Hadoop 2.X version
  6. Work on Big Data analytics using Hive, Pig and YARN
  7. Integrate MapReduce and HBase to do advanced usage and Indexing
  8. Learn fundamentals of Spark framework and its working
  9. Understand RDD in Apache Spark
  10. Learn Hadoop development best practices
  11. Job scheduling using Oozie
  12. Prepare for the Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification
  • Software Developers, analytics, BI, ETL, and data warehousing professionals
  • Big Data Hadoop developers, architects and testing personnel

You don’t need prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop.

  • Global Hadoop market to reach $84.6 billion in 2 years – Allied Market Research
  • The number of jobs for all USA data professionals will increase to 2.7 million per year – IBM
  • Hadoop Developer in the US can get a salary of $100,000 –

Hadoop is a distributed computing system that works on commodity hardware on a scale and speed that is just not possible for other database processing systems to match. Due to this there is a huge demand for Hadoop Developers who can deploy Hadoop on a massive scale. This Hadoop Developer online training equips you with the right skill sets needed to take the Professional Hadoop Developer Cloudera Certification. This Hadoop Certification training is your passport to the most sought-after jobs in the Big Data world.

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Self Paced Training

  • 30 Hrs e-learning videos
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Lifetime Free Upgrade


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  • Customized Learning
  • Enterprise Grade Learning Management System (LMS)
  • 24x7 Support
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Introduction to Big Data & Hadoop and its Ecosystem, Map Reduce and HDFS


What is Big Data, Where does Hadoop fit in, Hadoop Distributed File System – Replications, Block Size, Secondary Namenode, High Availability, Understanding YARN – ResourceManager, NodeManager, Difference between 1.x and 2.x

Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture , Federation and High Availability, A Typical Production Cluster setup , Hadoop Cluster Modes, Common Hadoop Shell Commands, Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files, Cloudera Single node cluster

How Mapreduce Works, How Reducer works, How Driver works, Combiners, Partitioners, Input Formats, Output Formats, Shuffle and Sort, Mapside Joins, Reduce Side Joins, MRUnit, Distributed Cache

Working with HDFS, Writing WordCount Program, Writing custom partitioner, Mapreduce with Combiner , Map Side Join, Reduce Side Joins, Unit Testing Mapreduce, Running Mapreduce in Local Job Runner Mode

What is Graph, Graph Representation, Breadth first Search Algorithm, Graph Representation of Map Reduce, How to do the Graph Algorithm, Example of Graph Map Reduce,

Exercise 1: Exercise 2:Exercise 3:

A. Introduction to Pig

Understanding Apache Pig, the features, various uses and learning to interact with Pig

B. Deploying Pig for data analysis

The syntax of Pig Latin, the various definitions, data sort and filter, data types, deploying Pig for ETL, data loading, schema viewing, field definitions, functions commonly used.

C. Pig for complex data processing

Various data types including nested and complex, processing data with Pig, grouped data iteration, practical exercise

D. Performing multi-dataset operations

Data set joining, data set splitting, various methods for data set combining, set operations, hands-on exercise

E. Extending Pig

Understanding user defined functions, performing data processing with other languages, imports and macros, using streaming and UDFs to extend Pig, practical exercises

F. Pig Jobs

Working with real data sets involving Walmart and Electronic Arts as case study

A. Hive Introduction

Understanding Hive, traditional database comparison with Hive, Pig and Hive comparison, storing data in Hive and Hive schema, Hive interaction and various use cases of Hive

B. Hive for relational data analysis

Understanding HiveQL, basic syntax, the various tables and databases, data types, data set joining, various built-in functions, deploying Hive queries on scripts, shell and Hue.

C. Data management with Hive

The various databases, creation of databases, data formats in Hive, data modeling, Hive-managed Tables, self-managed Tables, data loading, changing databases and Tables, query simplification with Views, result storing of queries, data access control, managing data with Hive, Hive Metastore and Thrift server.

D. Optimization of Hive

Learning performance of query, data indexing, partitioning and bucketing

E. Extending Hive

Deploying user defined functions for extending Hive

F. Hands on Exercises – working with large data sets and extensive querying

Deploying Hive for huge volumes of data sets and large amounts of querying

G. UDF, query optimization

Working extensively with User Defined Queries, learning how to optimize queries, various methods to do performance tuning.

Selecting a File Format, Tool Support for File Formats, Avro Schemas, Using Avro with Hive and Sqoop, Avro Schema Evolution, Compression

What is Hbase, Where does it fits, What is NOSQL

Multi Node Cluster Setup using Amazon ec2 – Creating 4 node cluster setup, Running Map Reduce Jobs on Cluster

Delving Deeper Into The Hadoop API,More Advanced Map Reduce Programming, Joining Data Sets in Map Reduce,Graph Manipulation in Hadoop

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Big Data Hadoop Developer Projects

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Big Data Hadoop Developer Certification

This course is designed for clearing the Hadoop component of the Cloudera Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification (CCA175) Exam. The entire training course content is in line with this certification program and helps you clear it with ease and get the best jobs in the top MNCs.

As part of this training you will be working on real time projects and assignments that have immense implications in the real world industry scenario thus helping you fast track your career effortlessly.

At the end of this training program there will be quizzes that perfectly reflect the type of questions asked in the respective certification exams and helps you score better marks in certification exam.

Intellipaat Course Completion Certification will be awarded on the completion of Project work (on expert review) and upon scoring of at least 60% marks in the quiz. Intellipaat certification is well recognized in top 80+ MNCs like Ericsson, Cisco, Cognizant, Sony, Mu Sigma, Saint-Gobain, Standard Chartered, TCS, Genpact, Hexaware, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Big Data Hadoop Developer

Why should I learn Hadoop Developer from Intellipaat?

Intellipaat is the pioneer of Hadoop training. This in-depth Hadoop developer training will help you master complete Hadoop development. You will trained in the domains of HDFS, MapReduce, working with various components of Hadoop like Pig, Hive, Sqoop, YARN and others. This training is in line with clearing the Hadoop component of CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification (CCA175).

Intellipaat offers lifetime access to videos, course materials, 24/7 Support, and course material upgrades to latest version at no extra fees. For Hadoop and Spark training you get the Intellipaat Proprietary Virtual Machine for Lifetime and free cloud access for 6 months for performing training exercises. Hence it is clearly a one-time investment.

3 technical 1:1 sessions per month will be allowed.

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