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In our Salesforce Administrator certification training, experienced professionals from major organizations across the world will prepare you to clear the Salesforce Admin 201 certification exam and make you a certified Salesforce Admin. Moreover, they will help you land a lucrative job in this field after you complete the course.
This Salesforce Administrator certification training is designed by experts from top MNCs who aim to make you proficient in the significant modules and techniques in Salesforce, such as capabilities of core Customer Relationship Management (CRM) objects, creating encrypted fields, and more.
In our online Salesforce Admin certification course, we will cover the following topics:
Listed below are some of the reasons why you must enroll in this Salesforce Administrator course:
There are no specific skills required to take up this Salesforce Admin training. Although, you should have basic knowledge and experience in the various Salesforce functions and concepts, including data management, Salesforce navigation, security, use of Sales Cloud, etc. This will be beneficial for you while taking up the exam.
The following professionals can take up this Salesforce Admin course:
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1.1 Introduction to Salesforce
1.2 Overview of Salesforce, its Editions
1.3 Home Page Customization
1.4 User Management
1.5 Apps Creation
1.6 Core CRM objects Capabilities
1.7 Declarative Customizations Boundaries
1.8 Programmatic Customizations Use Cases
2.1 Introduction to Quote Templates
2.2 Quote record creation, its template, and quote PDF
3.1 Field types overview
3.2 Standard fields modification
3.3 Creation of auto-number, formula, roll-up summary, lookup & master-detail, and checkbox fields
3.4 Creation of number, currency, and percent fields
3.5 Creation of geolocation, phone, and email fields
3.6 Creation of date & time fields
3.7 Creation of text and text area fields
3.8 Creation of URL, encrypted fields, etc.
3.9 Salesforce objects introduction
3.10 Components, standard objects, and their modification
3.11 External objects and creation of custom objects
4.1 Creation of buttons, links, and actions overview
4.2 Creation of new records with actions
4.3 Call logging with actions
4.4 Record updating
4.5 Creation of custom buttons and custom links, etc.
5.1 Overview of visual workflow, schema builder, and process builder
5.2 Creation of visual flow
5.3 Modification of the existing workflows
5.4 Creation of process
5.5 Field creation in the schema builder
6.1 Overview of validation rules, their creation
6.2Â Creation of formulas
6.3Â Creation of error messages
6.4Â Overview of workflow rules
6.5 Creation of Workflow rule, Field update, Task assignment, Email alert
7.1 Overview of the role hierarchy
7.2Â Creating
7.3Â Enabling field history
7.4Â Assigning Roles to Users
8.1 Restricting logins
8.2Â Object access determination
8.3Â Record access configuration
8.4Â Creation of role hierarchy
8.5Â Record access exceptions
9.1 Profiles introduction
9.2Â Overview of standard profiles
9.3Â Page layouts assigning
9.4Â Settings
9.5Â Permissions
9.6Â Password guidelines
9.7Â Session timeout, hours of log in, IP ranges
9.8Â Field-level security
9.9Â Access of Apex and Visualforce
10.1 Reports introduction
10.2Â Report formats
10.3Â Creation of:
10.4Â Using report to add the leads to campaign
10.5Â Reports export to Excel
10.6 Dashboards introduction
10.7 Dashboard
10.8Â Access management
10.9Â Dynamic dashboards configuration
10.10 Report builder activation on profiles
11.1 Data management introduction
11.2Â Importing
11.3Â Installation of data loader
11.4Â Mass delete
11.5Â Records
11.6Â Addition of field to schema builder, etc.
12.1 AppExchange Introduction and Overview
12.2Â Finding
13.1 Change Sets introduction and its Deployment
13.2Â Change Sets
13.3 Deployment
13.4Â Eclipse IDE
In order to become a Salesforce Certified Administrator, you need to complete this training, execute all the projects successfully, register for the Salesforce ADM 201 certification exam from the official Salesforce website, clear the examination, and land a lucrative job.
The Admin 201 Salesforce certification exam costs US$200.
The details of the Salesforce Administrator certification exam are mentioned below:
In order to unlock your Salesforce Admin certification from Intellipaat, you need to complete the training
Yes. We offer one mock test in our online Salesforce Admin training program to help you prepare for the certification exam.
Land Your Dream Job Like Our Alumni
Our online Salesforce Admin training program is a comprehensive course led by subject matter experts from top MNCs who will make you master the basic and advanced-level administrator Salesforce skills. They will help you gain proficiency in this field so that you are capable of clearing the Admin 201 exam and landing a high-salary job.
Throughout the Salesforce Admin course, you will have access to our 24-hour online support facility wherein you can post your queries and get them cleared by our experts. As part of the course, you will work on a range of industry-based exercises, projects, and case studies which will provide you hands-on experience. Besides, we offer lifetime access to courseware and free course upgrades. Also, our placement team will help you land a job in Salesforce in top companies through mock interviews, resume preparation, etc.
Salesforce is a leading CRM solution founded by Marc Benioff in February 1999. It brings organizations and customers closer. This CRM tool mainly focuses on app development, analytics, marketing automation, and improving customer service.
Some of the most sought-after job roles for professionals completing this certification are as follows:
We also offer the following courses in the field of Salesforce:
Yes, as a part of our Salesforce training, we provide all the video lectures and the training material in our LMS, that can be accessed anytime and from anywhere throughout the lifetime of the learner.
3 technical 1:1 sessions per month will be allowed.