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AWS is the most widely used cloud service in the world. This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional training is an instructor-led certification program curated by experts to make you a certified AWS professional. The trainers will teach you significant AWS concepts, such as Amazon SNS, Route 53, etc. Sign up for this course today and get a head start in your career.
Course PreviewThis AWS Solutions Architect Professional certification will help you master various AWS topics, including hybrid IT architecture, policies of IAM, networking and subnets, Amazon EBS, ELB, Amazon S3 buckets, and more.
Some of the modules that you will learn in this AWS Architect Professional certification training are as follows:
The following individuals must register for this AWS Solutions Architect Professional certification:
To sign up for this course, you must have the following skills:
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam which is commonly known as the SAP-C01 exam by Amazon will cost you about US$300. If you wish to take a practice test before appearing for the main examination, you can opt for it by paying US$40.
You must enroll in this online training for the reasons mentioned below:
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AWS Certified Solutions Architect Projects Covered
To unlock this certification, you need to complete the training and work on all the projects and assignments that are part of this AWS Solutions Architect Professional Certification Course.
At Intellipaat, we offer one practice test, along with the course, for you to get a basic idea of the format of the real exam and the questions that are asked in it.
The format of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification exam involves multiple-choice questions, i.e., one correct answer out of the given four options, and multiple-response questions, i.e., two or more correct answers out of five or more given options.
To appear for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, you need to have at least two years of working experience designing and deploying the AWS cloud architecture. Once you gain experience, you can enroll in this course and prepare for the certification examination. After completing the training program, you will be capable of appearing for the examination and clearing it.
This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certification program is curated by industry experts, keeping in mind the current syllabus of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam. This online training program will help you prepare for the exam by teaching you the core concepts of AWS. Further, you will also gain practical knowledge which will give you hands-on experience in working with AWS tools and technologies.
To pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certification exam, you are required to answer a total of 65 questions within 130 minutes. There is no defined passing score for the certification exam as it keeps varying depending on different factors. This is the reason AWS does not declare the passing score prior to the certification exam.
You will be able to execute all the given projects and exercises with assistance from our experts who will make you proficient in AWS.
Land Your Dream Job Like Our Alumni
Most businesses in the world are shifting their data to the cloud if they haven’t already. This is why they are looking for AWS professionals who have expert knowledge of the cloud. This AWS Certified Solutions Architect training is led by AWS experts from top MNCs who aim to make you a certified AWS professional.
Our online course provides a 24-hour online support platform, wherein you can ask all your queries and get solutions from our experts. Further, we will provide lifelong access to the complete training material for you to learn and revise the required concepts as and when necessary. On completing the course, you will gain hands-on experience through several industry-specific projects and case studies. Finally, our placement team will conduct numerous demo interviews, mold your resume, and more to prepare you for a job in a reputed firm.
Some of the other related AWS programs are: AWS, AWS big data, Masters in AWS, AWS DevOps, cloud migration, AWS SysOps, AWS technical essentials, and AWS certified developer associate.
Following are the top resources available for AWS Solution Architect Professional – tutorials, interview questions and everything about Amazon web services.
The main role and responsibility of a certified AWS cloud architect is to design and build cloud-based solutions for companies that transfer their data and work on the AWS cloud infrastructure. These professionals should design and architect the technical necessities of any given project and deliver the result. Moreover, they must bridge the gap between complex business issues and their various cloud solutions.
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification is valid for two years. You need to take the exam every two years to maintain the validity of the certification. Amazon will send you an email six months prior to the end of the certificate’s validity period.
Three technical 1:1 sessions per month will be allowed.