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Unit Testing Course Using NUnit & Moq

1,681 Ratings

Our online Unit testing course is curated by professionals from top MNCs across the world who aim to help you gain in-depth knowledge and skills to use NUnit for Unit Testing. They will teach you all the skills that are required to get ahead in the career field. Moreover, our 24-hour support team is always available for you to get your doubts cleared.

Key Highlights

24 Hrs Instructor Led Training
24 Hrs Self-paced Videos
30 Hrs Project & Exercises
Job Assistance
Flexible Schedule
Lifetime Free Upgrade
Mentor Support
Trustpilot 3109
sitejabber 1493
mouthshut 24542

NUnit Training for Unit Testing Overview

What are the topics covered in this Unit testing training?

The modules that we cover in our program are mentioned below:

  • Unit Testing
  • Reasons for Unit testing
  • Proving correctness
  • Strategies to implement Unit Tests
  • Code of Unit Testing
  • Working of Unit Testing
  • Common tools in Unit Testing
  • Basics of Testing
  • Unit Testing using Visual Studio
  • Unit Testing using NUnit

You must take up this Unit testing certification course for the reasons listed below:

  • There are over 51,000 job opportunities for Unit Testing professionals alone in the United States – LinkedIn
  • The average annual salary earned by a Unit Testing professional is approximately US$60,901 – PayScale
  • Top organizations around the globe, including Amazon, Deloitte, etc., are hiring Unit Testing professionals around the world – Glassdoor

This certification course on Unit Testing using NUnit is designed for the following individuals:

  • Developers who wish to learn the fundamentals of Unit Testing
  • .NET Developers who are interested to learn NUnit

The basic knowledge of programming and its fundamentals can be beneficial before signing up for our NUnit training program.

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Self Paced Training

  • 24 Hrs e-learning videos
  • Flexible Schedule
  • Lifetime Free Upgrade


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  • Customized Learning
  • Enterprise Grade Learning Management System (LMS)
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Unit Testing Course Content

Live Course

Module 1 - Why Unit Test?

1.1 Measuring Correctness
1.2 Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
1.3 Code Coverage

Module 2 - What is Unit Testing?

2.1 What is a Unit?
2.2 Pure Units
2.3 Dependent Units
2.4 What is a Test?
2.5 Normal Conditions Testing
2.6 Abnormal Conditions Testing
2.7 Unit Tests and Other Testing Practices
2.8 Acceptance Test Procedures
2.9 Automated User Interface Testing
2.10 Usability and User Experience Testing
2.11 Performance and Load Testing

3.1 How Unit Tests Prove Correctness
3.2 Prove Contract is Implemented
3.3 Prove Computational Results
3.4 Prove a Method Correctly Handles an External Exception
3.5 Prove a Bug is Re-creatable
3.6 Prove a Bug is Fixed
3.7 Prove Nothing Broke When Changing Code
3.8 Prove Requirements Are Met

4.1 Starting From Requirements
4.2 Prioritizing Computational Requirements
4.3 Select Architecture
4.4 Maintenance Phase
4.5 Determine Your Process
4.6 Test-Driven Development
4.7 Code First, Test Second
4.8 No Unit Tests
4.9 Balancing Testing Strategies

5.1 Unit Test Code vs Code Being Tested
5.2 Unit Test Code Base May Be Larger Than Production Code
5.3 Maintaining Unit Tests
5.4 Does Unit Testing Enforce an Architecture Paradigm?
5.5 Unit Test Performance
5.6 Mitigating Costs
5.7 Correct Inputs
5.8 Avoiding Third-party Exceptions
5.9 Avoid Writing the Same Tests for Each Method
5.10 Cost Benefits
5.11 Coding to the Requirement
5.12 Reduces Downstream Errors
5.13 Test Cases Provide a Form of Documentation
5.14 Enforcing an Architecture Paradigm Improves the Architecture
5.15 Junior Programmers
5.16 Code Reviews
5.17 Converting Requirements to Tests

6.1 Loading Assemblies
6.2 Using Reflection to Find Unit Test Methods
6.3 Invoking Methods

7.1 NUnit
7.2 CSUnit
7.3 Visual Studio Test Project
7.4 Visual Studio Test Results UI
7.5 Visual Studio Test Results UI
7.6 Visual Studio and NUnit Integration
7.7 Other Unit Test Tools
7.8 MSTest
7.9 MbUnit/Gallio
7.10 Microsoft Test Manager
7.11 FsUnit
7.12 Integration Testing Frameworks
7.13 NBehave

8.1 So You Have a Bug
8.2 Tracking and Reporting

9.1 Basic Unit Test Structure
9.2 Creating a Unit Test Project in Visual Studio
9.3 For Visual Studio Users
9.4 Test Fixtures
9.5 Test Methods
9.6 The Assert Class
9.7 Fundamentals of Making an Assertion
9.8 AreEqual/AreNotEqual
9.9 AreSame/AreNotSame
9.10 IsTrue/IsFalse
9.11 IsNull/IsNotNull
9.12 IsInstanceOfType/IsNotInstanceOfType
9.13 Inconclusive
9.14 What Happens When An Assertion Fails?
9.15 Other Assertion Classes
9.16 Collection Assertions
9.17 String Assertions
9.18 Exceptions
9.19 Other Useful Attributes
9.20 Setup/Teardown
9.21 Less Frequently Used Attributes
9.22 AssemblyInitialize/AssemblyCleanup
9.23 Ignore
9.24 Owner
9.25 DeploymentItem
9.26 Description
9.27 HostType
9.28 Priority
9.29 WorkItem
9.30 CssIteration/CssProjectStructure
9.31 Parameterized Testing with the DataSource Attribute
9.32 CSV Data Source
9.33 XML Data Source
9.34 Database Data Source
9.35 TestProperty Attribute

10.1 NUnit Attributes
10.2 The SetUpFixture Attribute
10.3 Additional NUnit Attributes
10.4 Test Grouping and Control
10.5 Culture Attributes
10.6 Parameterized Tests
10.7 Other NUnit Attributes
10.8 User Defined Action Attributes
10.9 Defining an Action
10.10 The Action Targets
10.11 The TestDetails Class
10.12 Assembly Actions
10.13 Passing Information to/from Tests from User-Defined Actions
10.14 NUnit Core Assertions

  • IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty
  • Greater/Less GreaterOrEqual/LessOrEqual
  • IsAssignableFrom/IsNotAssignableFrom
  • Throws/Throws/DoesNotThrow
  • Catch/Catch

10.15 Collection Assertions

  • IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty
  • IsOrdered

10.16 String Assertions

  • AreEqualIgnoringCase
  • IsMatch

10.17 File Assertions

  • AreEqual/AreNotEqual

10.18 Directory Assertions

  • AreEqual/AreNotEqual
  • IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty
  • IsWithin/IsNotWithin

10.19 Other Assertions

  • That
  • IsNan

10.20 Utility Methods

  • Pass
  • Fail
  • Ignore
  • Inconclusive
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Unit Testing Certification

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How to unlock my certificate from Intellipaat?

To unlock the course completion certificate, you are required to complete the entire training and execute all the associated exercises and projects successfully.

Yes, we offer one mock test as part of our Unit testing certification program.

You will be able to complete all the projects that are part of this course with the help of our expert trainers.

If you want to become a certified Unit Testing professional with specialized skills in NUnit, you need to enroll in this training program, complete it, execute all the assignments, projects, and case studies under the guidance of our experts, and land a lucrative job with the help of our placement team.

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Unit Testing Course FAQs

What is NUnit?

NUnit is a framework of unit testing that is used for all .Net languages. It is an open-source software framework that was initially taken from JUnit. It serves the same purpose as Unit Testing as JUnit serves in Java. It allows professionals to run the tests from a console runner using a Test Adapter or third-party runners in Visual Studio. Moreover, it enables tests to run parallel and supports data-driven tests.

3 technical 1:1 sessions per month will be allowed.

Intellipaat offers query resolution, and you can raise a ticket with the dedicated support team at any time. You can avail yourself of email support for all your queries. We can also arrange one-on-one sessions with our support team If your query does not get resolved through email. However, 1:1 session support is given for 6 months from the start date of your course.

Intellipaat provides placement assistance to all learners who have completed the training and moved to the placement pool after clearing the PRT (Placement Readiness Test). More than 500+ top MNCs and startups hire Intellipaat learners. Our alumni work with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Sony, Ericsson, TCS, Mu Sigma, etc.

Apparently, no. Our job assistance is aimed at helping you land your dream job. It offers a potential opportunity for you to explore various competitive openings in the corporate world and find a well-paid job, matching your profile. The final hiring decision will always be based on your performance in the interview and the requirements of the recruiter.

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