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in Salesforce by (11.9k points)

I am attempting to import a WSDL into Salesforce where one of the XML element contains both an element and a string value e.g.

 <foo bar="bob">baz</foo>

When I import this using the WSDL to Apex tool, the string value is not available in the generated class--just the attribute.

Here is the WSDL snippet:

<xs:complexType name="password">


     <xs:extension base="xs:string">

       <xs:attribute name="Type" type="xs:string"/>




The generated class is:

public class password {
  public String Type_x;
  private String[] Type_x_att_info = new String[]{'Type'};
  private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'','false','false'};
  private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{};
Is there a way I can manually modify this class to provide value without an inner element?

1 Answer

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by (32.1k points)
edited by

Modify your generated class to something like this:

public class password {

  public String input;

  public String Type_x;

  private String[] input_type_info = new String[]{'input','','string','1','1','false'}; // change 'input' to be the desired name of your element

  private String[] Type_x_att_info = new String[]{'Type'};

  private String[] apex_schema_type_info = new String[]{'','false','false'};

  private String[] field_order_type_info = new String[]{};


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