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in DevOps and Agile by (29.3k points)

I am getting the below error. please help me to resolve this.

1 Answer

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by (50.2k points)

Firstly, in your file, whenever we declare or define a function we write its access specifier that is:public, private etc along with its return type that is: void, int etc., I don't understand what the "Public launch()" function is used there for, also that is not the right way of defining a method.

Secondly, in your file, if you have dowloaded all the selenium jars, testNG jars, java jars then by mouse hovering on the red-underline showing error will give you suggestions for importing some libraries(import respective TestNG libraries not JUnit), double click on the suggestions and the error will disappear, do the same for each red-underlined methods.

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