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in DevOps and Agile by (47.6k points)

How is Docker an improvement over LXC?

1 Answer

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by (106k points)

Actually, Docker is not an improvement rather it is just a way to do things differently.

Docker throws a lot of what you would consider an application environment away because docker doesn’t need all those things. Docker becomes a taskmaster for doing many different types of applications. Docker simplifies the application environment while adding recovery and scalabilities for suitable applications. LXC presents the same sort of opportunities but they have handled a lower level in the kernel. Docker runs in userspace while lxcs are more closely tied to the kernel. Mostly it comes down to how long the application will be deployed and changed in use. Docker is for more short term projects (though these projects may last years) and LXC is more for stable applications that might be run on different hardware in the future. If you are looking to learn Docker then I would suggest you must take up the following Docker training course. You can also watch the following Docker video tutorial to learn more about it.


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