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in Python by (150 points)
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Hi guys, I have a txt with a column named 'Data', I want to separate this column into four new columns, 'GUTemp', 'OSC_MAX', 'OSC' and 'SPEED'. like the figure shown below, Any help would be greatly appreciated.


3 Answers

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by (1.3k points)
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Best answer

To split a text column into multiple columns, you can use the "split" function in Python. The "split" function separates a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter. Here's an example of how you can split a text column into multiple columns using Python:

# Example input data text_column = ['John Doe,30,Male', 'Jane Smith,25,Female', 'Bob Johnson,40,Male'] # Splitting the text column into multiple columns split_columns = [item.split(',') for item in text_column] # Printing the result for row in split_columns: print(row)

In this example, the text_column variable contains a list of strings representing a text column. Each string represents a row of data with values separated by commas. The code uses a list comprehension to split each string into a list of substrings using the comma (',') as the delimiter.


['John Doe', '30', 'Male'] ['Jane Smith', '25', 'Female'] ['Bob Johnson', '40', 'Male']

Each string has been split into three separate elements within a list, representing the columns. You can access the individual elements of each row by indexing the split_columns list.

Please note that this example assumes a specific delimiter (comma) and a consistent number of columns in the text column. If your data has a different delimiter or varying column counts, you may need to adjust the code accordingly.

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by (180 points)

Split text into different columns with the Convert Text to Columns Wizard

  1. Select the cell or column that contains the text you want to split.
  2. Select Data > Text to Columns.
  3. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select Delimited > Next.
  4. Select the Delimiters for your data. ...
  5. Select Next.
0 votes
by (640 points)

To split a text column into multiple columns in a formal context, you can utilize the "split" function available in Python. The "split" function allows you to divide a string into multiple substrings based on a specified delimiter. Here is an example that demonstrates how you can split a text column into multiple columns using Python:

# Example input data text_column = ['John Doe,30,Male', 'Jane Smith,25,Female', 'Bob Johnson,40,Male'] # Splitting the text column into multiple columns split_columns = [item.split(',') for item in text_column] # Printing the result for row in split_columns: print(row)

In this example, the variable text_column represents a list of strings, each string representing a row of data in the text column. The values within each row are separated by commas. By employing a list comprehension, the code iterates over each string in text_column and applies the split function to split it into multiple substrings based on the comma delimiter.
The output will be:
['John Doe', '30', 'Male'] ['Jane Smith', '25', 'Female'] ['Bob Johnson', '40', 'Male']

Each string within the original text column has been split into three distinct elements, representing separate columns. You can access individual elements within each row by indexing the split_columns list.

Please bear in mind that this example assumes a consistent delimiter (comma) and a uniform number of columns in the text column. If your data employs a different delimiter or exhibits varying column counts, you may need to adapt the code accordingly.

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