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in Data Science by (18.4k points)

I am new to R and Rstudio. I am working on a handwriting digits project. For my frontend, I am using R shiny. I got the dataset from Kaggle. This is the function which helps to render the average representation of digits 

# Produce a plot containing the average representations of digits

  output$digitAvgRep <- renderImage({

    ## For visualising traing data


    ##Color ramp def.



    ## Plot the average image of each digit



    for(di in 0:9)






      z<-z[,28:1] ##right side up1




Then pass the varibale to UI.R using the below code:

# User renderUI to dynamically create objects in the ui.R 

  output$tb <- renderUI({


      h5("No data loaded.")



        tabPanel("About file", tableOutput("filedf")),

        tabPanel("RawData", tableOutput("table")),

        tabPanel("Summary", tableOutput("sum")),

        tabPanel("Digit Distribution",plotOutput("digitDist")),

        tabPanel("Average Digit Representation", imageOutput("digitAvgRep")))


When I run the application I am getting the output as follows:

[1] 0

Error in all_img[di + 1, ] <- apply(dataFrame[dataFrame[, 1] == di, -1],  : 

  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Can anyone help me solve this?

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)

The error which you are getting tells that you are trying to insert a new vector of length which is shorter than the column. use the following code as an example:

## create a matrix that is 6 rows and 2 columns

mat <- matrix(1:12, 6,2) 

## try to replace first column with a vector of length 3

## works fine because 6 is a multiple of 3

mat[,1] <- 1:3 

## try to replace first column with a vector of length 5

## Fails because 6 is not a multiple of 5, try the same exception.

mat[,1] <- 1:5 

##   number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Hence you need to reconsider your application statement. Try storing the results in the list than in the matrix.

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