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in Data Science by (18.4k points)
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I have a form set in Django which has multiple forms which I am saving as:

manifestData = form.cleaned_data

If I print(manifest data) it returns the below:

[{'ProductCode': <Product: APPLES-1>, 'UnitQty': u'11', 'Price': u'11.00', 'Amount': u'121', 'DescriptionOfGoods': u'Washington Extra Fancy', 'Type': u'Cases', u'id': None, u'DELETE': False}, {'ProductCode': <Product: ORANGES-1>, 'UnitQty': u'1', 'Price': u'12.00', 'Amount': u'12', 'DescriptionOfGoods': u'SUNKIST ORANGES', 'Type': u'Cases', u'id': None, u'DELETE': False}]

I need to access each Product Code and pop it from the list. So I am trying the below in my view:


for item in manifestData:

   x = manifestData.pop['ProductCode'] #this is highlighted in the error message


When I do this I get a TypeError reading that "an integer is required". Can anyone explain that to me / how I can navigate this issue?

1 Answer

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by (36.8k points)
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In the code, manifestData is a list of dictionary. In your for loop, you are looping through the list to get each dictionary, but then you try to pop from manifestData, rather than an item.

Change your code to be:


for item in manifestData:

   x = item.pop('ProductCode') #pop from item, not manifestData


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