It seems like you'll need to wrap the current code (excluding constant declarations) in the while True loop with a break condition, but also add another variable named totalAmountDue. This variable will be changed whenever the new item is added. If you were to apply these changes, it should look like this:
# Enter constants for sale & salesTax
SALE = .25
# Counter for the total amount of money from all items, this includes tax as well
totalAmountDue = 0
while True:
# Enter the ticket price of the item
origPrice = float(input('Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $'))
# Breaks out of the loop once the user wants to quit
if (origPrice == 0):
# Is the item reduced? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine salePrice
reduced = input('Is this item reduced?')
if reduced == 'Y' or reduced == 'y':
salePrice = origPrice * SALE
elif reduced == 'N' or reduced == 'n':
salePrice = 0.00
# Enter constant for finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice
finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice
# Is the item taxable? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine tax
taxable = input('Is this item taxable?')
if taxable == 'Y' or taxable == 'y':
tax = finalPrice * SALES_TAX
elif taxable == 'N' or taxable == 'n':
tax = 0.00
# Adds the final price of this product to the total price of all items
totalAmountDue += finalPrice + tax
# Enter all Print Statements
print("Here's the breakdown for this item: ")
print('Orginal Price $', format(origPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Reduced Price $', format(salePrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Final Price $', format(finalPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('7% Sales Tax $', format(tax, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Total amount due $', format(finalPrice + tax, ',.2f'), "\n",sep='')
print("\nTotal amount due for all items: $", format(totalAmountDue, ',.2f'))
This is the output of the edited version:
Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $10
Is this item reduced?n
Is this item taxable?y
Here's the breakdown for this item:
Orginal Price $10.00
Reduced Price $0.00
Final Price $10.00
7% Sales Tax $0.70
Total amount due $10.70
Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $23123123123
Is this item reduced?n
Is this item taxable?y
Here's the breakdown for this item:
Orginal Price $23,123,123,123.00
Reduced Price $0.00
Final Price $23,123,123,123.00
7% Sales Tax $1,618,618,618.61
Total amount due $24,741,741,741.61
Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $0
Total amount due for all items: $ 24,741,741,752.31