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in BI by (11.1k points)
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I want to rank my products based upon sales and my table looks like this:

| product   | date       | sales |
| coffee    | 11/03/2019 | 15    |
| coffee    | 12/03/2019 | 10    |
| coffee    | 13/03/2019 | 28    |
| coffee    | 14/03/2019 | 1     |
| tea       | 11/03/2019 | 5     |
| tea       | 12/03/2019 | 2     |
| tea       | 13/03/2019 | 6     |
| tea       | 14/03/2019 | 7     |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 30    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 4     |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 15    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 10    |

I want to rank in such a way that chocolate is first but we record 4 rows so coffee is ranked at 5 and not 2.

| product   | date       | sales | sum | rank |
| coffee    | 11/03/2019 | 15    | 54  | 5    |
| coffee    | 12/03/2019 | 10    | 54  | 5    |
| coffee    | 13/03/2019 | 28    | 54  | 5    |
| coffee    | 14/03/2019 | 1     | 54  | 5    |
| tea       | 11/03/2019 | 5     | 20  | 9    |
| tea       | 12/03/2019 | 2     | 20  | 9    |
| tea       | 13/03/2019 | 6     | 20  | 9    |
| tea       | 14/03/2019 | 7     | 20  | 9    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 30    | 59  | 1    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 4     | 59  | 1    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 15    | 59  | 1    |
| Chocolate | 11/03/2019 | 10    | 59  | 1    |
For which I have created measure
sum =
         Table1[product] = EARLIER(Table1[product])
rank = RANKX(

How can I get the following result

1 Answer

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by (22.5k points)
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You can use the following measure:

rank =

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