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in AWS by (7k points)
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We are building our project and have to use AWS CLI v2 to deploy our project. The runtime version is:

      nodejs: 12.x

Is an official AWS CodeBuild nodejs image available which we can use and has AWS CLI v2 installed or do we need to create our own? Is there a way to upgrade to v2 for the above runtime? This seems that it works but it might not be very stable in the future:

 # uninstall awscli version 1
 - pip3 uninstall -y awscli
 # install awscli version 2
 - curl "" -o ""
 - unzip
 - ./aws/install

1 Answer

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by (31.9k points)

Official CB docker images are listed here.

The images are also open sourced and we can inspect their Dockerfile files. In both of them, awscli is installed in a similar way:

pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade setuptools wheel aws-sam-cli awscli boto3 pipenv virtualenv

Instructions for installing awscliv2 are different and they do not involve pip.

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asked Jan 4, 2021 in AWS by Justin (7k points)

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