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by (1.1k points)
What are the hidden details about becoming a Data Scientist? It is very popular but I want to know the real scenario of a Data Science career.

1 Answer

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by (4.4k points)
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  1. With the Data Science hype, comes all the customers that are under a serious delusion that Data Science is a sure-fire, cutting-edge way to reduce costs and generate revenues right off the bat. So, they hop on the bandwagon without a clear idea of what their requirements are when it comes down to specifics. They simply expect you to swish your Data Science wand and magically straighten things out immediately. These kinds of clients are difficult to handle if not disappointing. 

  2. Good Data Engineers are god-sent. In any Data Science project, quality data is the make or break factor. Without good data, even the most brilliant Data Scientist will have nothing to show. Without a Data Engineer in the team, the rest of the Data Scientists will be spending way more time on data wrangling and ETL than on analysis and modeling.

  3. It is naive to assume that you can immediately apply your skills to any industry. Domain knowledge, specialization, and expertise are very important. Lack of domain expertise can really slow down any project.

  4. Companies nowadays are hiring based solely on their individual requirements. This means that only specific portfolios will make the cut rather than qualifications. Therefore, it is crucial to work on projects that can help establish specialization in the domain. This way, you will have a much better chance of knowing which organizations are suitable to apply your skill sets.

Here are some interesting facts about Data Science:

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