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in Python by (16.4k points)
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I have a variety of focuses (x,y,z) that I might want to animate in 3D utilizing Mayavi (Python). I'm right now utilizing a Plot3D order to plot the entirety of the points at the same time (displaying the development of a molecule), however would adore some assistance on the animation.


4 Answers

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by (25.7k points)
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Best answer
I can help you with animating the movement of points in 3D using Mayavi in Python. Mayavi is a powerful 3D scientific visualization library that can be used to create animations.

To animate the movement of points in 3D, you can utilize Mayavi's animation capabilities along with the mlab module. Here's an example to get you started:

import numpy as np

from mayavi import mlab

# Generate some random points

num_points = 100

x = np.random.rand(num_points)

y = np.random.rand(num_points)

z = np.random.rand(num_points)

# Create a Mayavi figure

fig = mlab.figure()

# Create a scatter plot of the initial points

points = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=(1, 0, 0), scale_factor=0.1)

# Define the animation update function

def update_animation(frame):

    # Update the points' positions for each frame

    new_x = x + frame * 0.01  # Example: moving points along the x-axis


# Animate the points

animation = mlab.animate(update_animation, frames=100)

# Display the animation

In the above example, we first generate random 3D coordinates for the points. Then, we create a scatter plot using mlab.points3d() to visualize the initial positions of the points.

Next, we define an animation update function update_animation(frame) that will be called for each frame of the animation. Inside this function, you can update the positions of the points based on the current frame number. In the example, we move the points along the x-axis by a small amount (0.01) for each frame.

Finally, we use mlab.animate() to create the animation, passing the update_animation function and the desired number of frames. The animation is then displayed using

You can modify the update function to suit your specific animation needs, such as moving points in different directions or changing their colors. Feel free to customize the code according to your requirements to create more complex animations with Mayavi.
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by (26.4k points)

Matplotlib offers a ton of opportunities for animation. View the particular schedules for animation. Specifically, there's a particular model for 3D plotting

There are many instructional exercises on the 'web. Eg. Matplotlib Animation Tutorial and Animated 3-D Plots in Python

Are you pretty much interested to learn python in detail? Come and join the python training course to gain more knowledge.

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by (15.4k points)
To animate the movement of points in 3D using Mayavi, you can take advantage of its animation capabilities along with the mlab module. Mayavi is a powerful library for scientific visualization in Python.

Here's an example to help you get started:

import numpy as np

from mayavi import mlab

# Generate random points

num_points = 100

x = np.random.rand(num_points)

y = np.random.rand(num_points)

z = np.random.rand(num_points)

# Create a Mayavi figure

fig = mlab.figure()

# Create a scatter plot of the initial points

points = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, color=(1, 0, 0), scale_factor=0.1)

# Define the animation update function

def update_animation(frame):

    # Update the positions of the points for each frame

    new_x = x + frame * 0.01  # Example: moving points along the x-axis


# Animate the points

animation = mlab.animate(update_animation, frames=100)

# Display the animation

In the provided example, random 3D coordinates are generated for the points. Then, a scatter plot is created using mlab.points3d() to visualize the initial positions of the points.

Next, an animation update function update_animation(frame) is defined. This function is called for each frame of the animation and is responsible for updating the positions of the points. In the example, the points are moved along the x-axis by a small increment (0.01) for each frame.

Finally, mlab.animate() is used to create the animation by passing the update_animation function and specifying the desired number of frames. The resulting animation is displayed using

You can customize the code to suit your specific animation requirements, such as moving points in different directions or modifying their colors. Feel free to adapt the code according to your needs to create more complex animations using Mayavi.
0 votes
by (19k points)
Here's a version explaining how to animate the movement of points in 3D using Mayavi in Python:

To animate the movement of points in 3D using Mayavi, follow these steps:

Generate the coordinates for the points.

Create a scatter plot using mlab.points3d() to visualize the initial positions of the points.

Define an animation update function to update the positions of the points for each frame.

Use mlab.animate() with the update function and the desired number of frames to create the animation.

Display the animation using

Feel free to customize the code based on your specific animation requirements, such as changing the directions or colors of the points. Enjoy creating your 3D animations with Mayavi!

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