Can We Pass Parameters to a View in SQL?

Can We Pass Parameters to a View in SQL?

Standard SQL doesn’t support having parameters directly through views, however, you can indirectly pass parameters into a view through table-valued functions or a parameterized stored procedure.

This article will help you learn how to pass parameters to a view in SQL and alternatives if one can’t.

Table of Contents:

What are Views in SQL?

A view is essentially a virtual table that is defined by an SQL query. It does not hold data, but instead, it encapsulates complex queries in a simpler framework.

Can We Pass Parameters to SQL Views?

While you cannot pass parameters directly to a view, because introducing parameters would somewhat make them unpredicted and interfere with the optimized database. Conversely, views can be designed toward static query logic that the external queries must filter or use to modify.

However, there are a few alternatives you can use to get similar functionality.

1. Use of Table-Valued Functions

A table-valued function (TVF) lets you pass parameters and returns a table as the result. It’s a great substitute for parameterized views.


CREATE FUNCTION GetCustomerOrderByCustID(@CustID INT)  
    SELECT OrderID, orderData, TotalPrice
    FROM Orders  
    WHERE CustID = @CustID  

You can call the function like this:

SELECT * FROM GetCustomerOrderByCustID(1);

So here, we are calling a function and inside the function we can pass the parameter to get a specific result.

2. Use of Stored Procedures

Stored procedures let you pass parameters and execute more complex queries. But unlike TVFs, they do not return a table that can be queried further.



    @CustID INT 



    SELECT OrderID, orderDate, TotalAmount 

    FROM Orders 

    WHERE CustID = @CustID; 


We can call this Stored Procedure like this:

EXEC GetOrdersByCustomer @CustID = 1;

Here, if you notice again we have passed a parameter using Stored Procedure.

3. Use of Dynamic SQL Queries

Dynamic SQL is another approach to flexible queries allowing parameters. It is little bit riskier due to the danger of SQL injection and should be used with caution.



SET @Query = N'SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustID = ' + CAST(@CustID AS NVARCHAR); 

EXEC sp_executesql @Query;

Use Cases and Constraints of Views in SQL

Common Use Cases

  • Encapsulating complex joins and subqueries.
  • Simplifying frequently used queries.
  • Providing a layer of abstraction for database security and permissions.

Constraints of Views in SQL

Views are not allowed to accept parameters in standard SQL. Views are a static representation of a query. They do not have the capability to dynamically change based on the user input or runtime parameters.

Best Practices for Parameterized Queries

  • Use Table-Valued Functions: These are efficient and integrate well with SELECT queries.
  • Validate Inputs: Always sanitize and validate parameters to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • Leverage Indexing: Make sure that columns used in the WHERE clause are indexed.
  • Keep Queries Modular: Wrap up query logic inside stored procedures or functions and use them in a modular fashion.


Similar parameters cannot exist for SQL views but can be obtained with table-valued functions, stored procedures, or dynamic SQL queries. Each approach has strengths and uses cases best suited for one project requirement over another. If you want to learn more about these specific and advanced techniques, then you should check out our advanced SQL course.

About the Author

Data Engineer

As a skilled Data Engineer, Sahil excels in SQL, NoSQL databases, Business Intelligence, and database management. He has contributed immensely to projects at companies like Bajaj and Tata. With a strong expertise in data engineering, he has architected numerous solutions for data pipelines, analytics, and software integration, driving insights and innovation.

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