How to Upgrade all Python Packages with PIP?

How to Upgrade all Python Packages with PIP?

You can upgrade all Python packages using pip install –upgrade package_name.

Updating Python packages is important for security, fixing errors, and getting new features. Updating the packages helps in improving the performance during execution. Python provides different ways to upgrade all installed packages. In this blog, let’s explore multiple methods to achieve this using pip.

Table of Contents:

Why You Should Upgrade Python Packages?

Updating Python packages ensures that your system is secured, bugs fixed, and receives the latest feature upgrades. The older version can have security issues, updating the package fixes all these issues and also enhances the performance. The newer versions will be more efficient to run as well. Let’s now see, multiple means to upgrade all your Python packages with pip.

Methods to Upgrade all the Python Packages with pip

The pip provides various ways to upgrade all the Python packages. Following are some of the commonly used approaches explained with examples:

Method 1: Using pip list and pip install to Upgrade Python Packages

This method fetches all the outdated packages and enables you to upgrade each one manually by giving the name of the package to be upgraded. The upgrade can be done using the Windows PowerShell.




The outdated packages along with their available upgrades.

Successful installation of the upgraded package using ‘pip install’.

Explanation: The pip list –outdated command lists all outdated packages. You can then upgrade them one by one using pip install –upgrade package_name. This is useful if you want to specify which package has to be upgraded.

Method 2: Using pip freeze and pip install to upgrade Python packages

This pip freeze will generate a list of installed packages and upgrade all at once.




Explanation: This command, pip freeze, with pip install –upgrade, upgrades all packages at once. This one will automatically know the outdated one and upgrade the packages without stating the name of the package to be upgraded.

Method 3: Using pip-review to upgrade Python packages.

The pip-review is an external tool that simplifies package upgrades by listing and upgrading all the packages with a single command. 




Installing pip-review

Updating all the packages automatically using pip-review

Explanation: The pip install command installs pip-review, and the pip-review finds and upgrades all outdated packages automatically.

Method 4: Using pip-upgrade Package

The pip upgrade is another Python package that helps in upgrading all packages at once.




Explanation: The pip_upgrade package detects and upgrades all the outdated packages.

Comparing All the Methods to Upgrade all Python Packages with pip

Featurespip list + pip installpip freeze + pip installpip-reviewpip-upgrade
SpeedLow speed  as there is a need to manually check and upgrade each packageModerate speed but faster than the pip list + pip installFast, finds all the packages and upgrade them automaticallyFastest upgrades  all packages instantly using a single command
Ease of UseEasy can run by using two simple commandRequires using PowerShell for executionEasy can be used by running a single commandEasy instantly upgrades 
InstallationNo installation is required works with pip by defaultNot required, uses built-in pip commandsInstallation requires using  pip-install and pip-reviewInstallation requires using  pip-install and pip-upgrade
UseCaseUpdating specific packages onlyQuickly updating all the packagesUpgrades all the packages without manually selectingThe simplest and fastest way to upgrade all the packages
AutomationNo automation, need to upgrade the package manuallyUpgrades everything but can be stopped midwayAutomatically lists and upgrades all the packagesAutomatically upgrades all outdated packages at once

Best Practices for Upgrading All Python Packages with pip

  1. Always check outdated packages first: It is important to check which packages are out of date so that you are not making unnecessary upgrades.
  2. Upgrade packages one by one, if necessary: It is better to upgrade an individual package at a time when you are updating an important package to prevent the error.
  3. Use a virtual environment: Upgrading must always take place in the virtual environment to gather all the requirements and avoid problems during updation.
  4. Backup package installation: Do a backup of the dependencies record before upgrading in case anything goes wrong.
  5. Automate for more difficult upgrades: For one-time bulk upgrading of several packages, use an automated command, as this saves a lot of time.
  6. Checking after upgrade: The package has to be checked after upgrading so that you can see if anything is working properly.
  7. Don’t do upgrades when not necessary: When possible, do not upgrade yours; you can always choose to avoid upgrades altogether because newer versions may introduce changes that could break your project.


Keeping Python packages is important for improving performance and getting new features. You can manually upgrade packages using a pip list and automate the process with pip freeze and pip review. The pip-upgrade tool also offers a simple alternative. Understanding these methods helps you upgrade all the Python packages effectively.


1. How do I check for outdated Python packages?

Run pip list –outdated to see all outdated packages.

2. How can I upgrade all Python packages at once?

Use pip freeze | cut -d ‘=’ -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U

3. What is the easiest way to update packages automatically?

Install pip-review and run pip-review –auto.

4. Why should I update my Python packages?

Updating packages fixes bugs, improves security, and adds new features.

5. Can upgrading all Python packages break my project?

Yes, upgrading all packages at once can sometimes introduce breaking changes, especially if newer versions have incompatible updates or deprecated features.

About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Software Engineer at Eli Lilly and Company, is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience in languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Sahil has a strong foundation in system architecture, database management, and API integration. 

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