Hybrid Inheritance in C++: All You Need to Know

Hybrid Inheritance in C++: All You Need to Know

How exactly does Hybrid Inheritance work, and what are its advantages? Discover how this powerful technique allows classes to inherit from diverse hierarchies, fostering code flexibility and real-world modeling, as we will cover the answers to these queries in our blog.

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What is Hybrid Inheritance?

Before understanding Hybrid Inheritance, it is crucial to grasp the concept of Inheritance. Inheritance occurs when a derived class acquires features or properties from a base class. A familiar real-world example of inheritance is the parent-child relationship. Just as a child inherits some characteristics from both the mother and father, similarly, when a child class inherits properties from a base class, it is referred to as Inheritance.

There are different types of Inheritances:

  • Single Inheritance: A child class derived from only one base class.
  • Multiple Inheritance: A child class derived from more than one base class.
  • Multilevel Inheritance: A child class derived from another class, which is itself derived from a base class.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple child classes derived from the same base or parent class.
  • Hybrid Inheritance: Formed by combining two or more types of inheritance, creating a blended inheritance structure incorporating diverse inheritance paradigms.

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Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance in object-oriented programming occurs when a class is derived from multiple base classes, combining multiple types of inheritances. This results in a complex inheritance hierarchy where a derived class inherits properties and behaviors from multiple parent classes simultaneously.

For example, a class might inherit attributes from one class and methods from another. This form of inheritance allows for a higher degree of code reusability, enabling a class to exhibit characteristics from multiple sources, thus enabling flexibility and scalability.

Hybrid Inheritance

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Practical Implementation of Hybrid Inheritance

Practical implementation of hybrid inheritance holds significant importance in software design and development. It offers a powerful and flexible structure that allows the creation of complex class hierarchies while promoting code reusability and flexibility. By combining different types of inheritance, such as single, multiple, multilevel, and hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance enables developers to model real-world relationships more accurately. So let’s take a look at different combinations of inheritance.

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Combination of Hierarchical Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance

The concepts of Hierarchical Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance will be illustrated through the accompanying diagram to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Combination of Hierarchical Inheritance and Multilevel Inheritance

Now refer to the code below:

#include <iostream>
// Grandparent class
class Animal {
    virtual void make_sound() {
        // default implementation or leave it pure virtual for abstract class
// Parent class inheriting from Animal
class Mammal : public Animal {
    void give_birth() {
        // implementation for giving birth
// Another parent class inheriting from Animal
class Bird : public Animal {
    void lay_eggs() {
        // implementation for laying eggs
// Child class inheriting from Mammal
class Dog : public Mammal {
    void make_sound() override {
        std::cout << "Woof!" << std::endl;
// Child class inheriting from Bird
class Parrot : public Bird {
    void make_sound() override {
        std::cout << "Squawk!" << std::endl;
// Grandchild class inheriting from both Dog and Parrot
class Hybrid : public Dog, public Parrot {
    void make_sound() override {
        std::cout << "Hybrid sound!" << std::endl;
int main() {
    Hybrid hybrid;
    // Accessing methods of all classes in the hierarchy
    hybrid.make_sound();    // Accessing method from Hybrid
    hybrid.give_birth();    // Accessing method from Mammal
    hybrid.lay_eggs();      // Accessing method from Bird
    return 0;



Animals serve as the grandparent class.

Mammal and Bird are parent classes, both directly inheriting from Animal.

Dog is a child class inheriting from Mammal.

Parrot is a child class inheriting from Bird.

Hybrid is a grandchild class inheriting from both Dog and Parrot.

Here’s how the inheritance works:

Mammal and Bird classes form a hierarchical inheritance, as they both inherit directly from Animal.

Dog and Parrot classes represent multilevel inheritance, inheriting from Mammal and Bird respectively.

Hybrid class demonstrates a combination of multilevel and hierarchical inheritance by inheriting from both Dog and Parrot.

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Combination of Multilevel Inheritance and Single Inheritance

The corresponding diagram will provide an in-depth understanding of the concepts of Multilevel Inheritance and Single Inheritance.

Combination of Multilevel Inheritance and Single Inheritance

Now refer to the code below:

#include <iostream>
// Grandparent class (Base class)
class Vehicle {
    void start() {
        std::cout << "Vehicle started" << std::endl;
// Parent class inheriting from Vehicle
class Car : public Vehicle {
    void drive() {
        std::cout << "Car driving" << std::endl;
// Another parent class inheriting from Vehicle
class Plane : public Vehicle {
    void fly() {
        std::cout << "Plane flying" << std::endl;
// Child class inheriting from Car
class SportsCar : public Car {
    void accelerate() {
        std::cout << "Sports car accelerating" << std::endl;
// Grandchild class inheriting from SportsCar
class Supercar : public SportsCar {
    void boost() {
        std::cout << "Supercar boosting" << std::endl;
int main() {
    Supercar supercar;
    // Accessing methods of all classes in the hierarchy
    supercar.start();       // Accessing method from Vehicle
    supercar.drive();       // Accessing method from Car
    supercar.accelerate();  // Accessing method from SportsCar
    supercar.boost();       // Accessing method from Supercar
    return 0;



The Vehicle serves as the grandparent/base class.

Car and Plane are parent classes inheriting from Vehicle.

SportsCar is a child class inheriting from Car.

Supercar is a grandchild class inherited from SportsCar.

Here’s how the inheritance works:

The hierarchy demonstrates single inheritance (between Vehicle and its derived classes) and multilevel inheritance (from Vehicle to Car to SportsCar to Supercar). The main() function showcases the method access across the inheritance hierarchy.

Combination of Single Inheritance and Multiple Inheritance

The ideas of Single Inheritance and Multiple Inheritance will be illustrated in the following diagram to provide a complete understanding.

Combination of Single Inheritance and Multiple Inheritance

Now refer to the code below:

#include <iostream>
// Parent class 1
class Parent1 {
    void method_parent1() {
        std::cout << "This is from Parent 1" << std::endl;
// Parent class 2
class Parent2 {
    void method_parent2() {
        std::cout << "This is from Parent 2" << std::endl;
// Child class inheriting from Parent1
class Child : public Parent1 {
    void method_child() {
        std::cout << "This is from Child" << std::endl;
// Grandchild class inheriting from both Child and Parent2
class GrandChild : public Child, public Parent2 {
    void method_grandchild() {
        std::cout << "This is from Grandchild" << std::endl;
int main() {
    GrandChild gc;
    // Accessing methods of all classes in the hierarchy
    gc.method_parent1();       // Accessing method from Parent1
    gc.method_parent2();       // Accessing method from Parent2
    gc.method_child();         // Accessing method from Child
    gc.method_grandchild();    // Accessing method from Grandchild
    return 0;



Parent1 and Parent2 are two parent classes.

Child class inherits from Parent1.

GrandChild class inherits from both Child and Parent2.

Here’s how the inheritance works:

This hierarchy forms a structure where GrandChild has access to methods from Parent1, Parent2, Child, and its methods. When an object from GrandChild is created, it can invoke methods from all these classes.

This exemplifies hybrid inheritance, as it combines both single and multiple inheritances. The GrandChild class inherits from multiple classes (Child and Parent2) in a single inheritance hierarchy, resulting in a hybrid inheritance structure.

Applications of Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid inheritance offers a powerful way to model complex relationships in object-oriented programming. Here are some applications where hybrid inheritance can be beneficial:

  • Real-world Modeling: Hybrid inheritance allows developers to closely model real-world scenarios where objects may exhibit traits from multiple sources. For example, in an automotive system, a class hierarchy involving vehicles, cars, sports cars, and specific car models can employ hybrid inheritance to represent diverse features and functionalities.
  • GUI Development: User interfaces often involve complex hierarchies with shared and specialized behaviors. Hybrid inheritance can be used to create a Graphical User Interface framework where base classes represent common UI components, while subclasses extend functionalities specific to certain components like buttons, menus, or dialog boxes.
  • Game Development: In game development, hybrid inheritance can be used to represent entities in a game world. For example, a hierarchy might include a base class for entities, subclasses for characters and enemies, and specialized classes for boss enemies or power-ups, each inheriting different traits from multiple sources.
  • Scientific Applications: Complex scientific software often involves multiple levels of abstraction and diverse functionalities. Hybrid inheritance can help create a structure where base classes represent fundamental concepts (e.g., particles, forces), while specialized classes extend functionalities for specific scenarios or experiments.
  • E-commerce Systems: In e-commerce applications, a hierarchy involving products, categories, and specialized product types can benefit from hybrid inheritance. Base classes might represent generic products, while subclasses can model specific categories like electronics, clothing, or books with their own unique attributes and methods.


Finally, Hybrid Inheritance in C++ is a powerful tool that combines the benefits of several inheritance types. This adaptable method enables developers to create complex class hierarchies that replicate real-world interactions, promoting code reusability and extensibility. C++ supports the design of robust systems by combining single, multiple, multilevel, and hierarchical inheritance, providing flexibility and precision in modeling complicated scenarios. Adopting Hybrid Inheritance not only improves software design but also allows for the creation of adaptive, scalable, and modular solutions in the field of object-oriented programming.


How is hybrid inheritance achieved in C++?

Hybrid inheritance is achieved by combining different types of inheritance, such as multiple inheritance (where a class inherits from more than one base class) and hierarchical inheritance (where one class serves as a base for others in a hierarchical structure).

What are the advantages of hybrid inheritance?

Hybrid inheritance allows for a high degree of flexibility and code reuse. It enables a derived class to inherit features from multiple base classes, providing a rich set of functionalities.

What are the challenges or issues associated with hybrid inheritance?

One of the main challenges with hybrid inheritance is the potential for ambiguity or conflicts that may arise due to multiple inheritance. This can lead to the “diamond problem”, where ambiguity arises when a class inherits from two classes that have a common ancestor.

How can the diamond problem be resolved in hybrid inheritance?

C++ provides ways to resolve the diamond problem, such as using virtual inheritance. Virtual inheritance helps in creating a single subobject of a base class shared by multiple derived classes, thereby eliminating the ambiguity in the inheritance hierarchy.

Can a class have multiple immediate parent classes in hybrid inheritance?

Yes, in multiple inheritance, a class can have multiple immediate parent classes. This allows the class to inherit features and characteristics from multiple sources, forming a hybrid inheritance structure.

How does access control work in hybrid inheritance?

Access control in hybrid inheritance follows the rules of the respective types of inheritance used. Private members of a class remain private to that class; protected members are accessible to derived classes, and public members are accessible to everyone.

About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Software Engineer at Eli Lilly and Company, is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience in languages such as Java, Python, and JavaScript. Sahil has a strong foundation in system architecture, database management, and API integration.