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Top Java Frameworks: Introduction, Features, and Advantages

Top Java Frameworks: Introduction, Features, and Advantages

In this blog, we’ll understand the concept of frameworks and discuss some popular Java frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Play, Apache Struts, Dropwizard, and more, along with their features, advantages, etc. 

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What is a Framework?

A framework is a pre-built structure or set of tools that provides a foundation for software development. It includes reusable components, libraries, and functionalities that help developers create applications more efficiently by providing a template to work on. Frameworks often offer a standardized way of doing things, guiding the overall design and implementation of an application in a particular programming environment. 

Lets explore some of the most popular Java frameworks that are widely used by developers and tech giants:

1. Spring

Spring is a powerful and versatile open-source application framework for Java. It was created to address the complexities and challenges faced in enterprise application development. Spring’s primary aim is to simplify Java development by offering a comprehensive infrastructure and a wide set of tools. At its core, this framework focuses on dependency injection, which enables the loose coupling of objects. This approach promotes modularity, easier testing, and better maintainability of applications. Additionally, Spring supports aspects of object-oriented programming (OOP), enabling developers to resolve concerns like logging, security, and transaction management.

Features of the Spring Framework:

  • Dependency Injection (DI)
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) for web applications
  • Simplified data access through Spring JDBC and ORM modules
  • Robust security features
  • Testing support with the Spring Test module
  • Integration capabilities with other frameworks and libraries

Advantages of the Spring Framework:

  • Promotes modularity and loose coupling, enhancing flexibility and testability.
  • Simplifies Java development by reducing boilerplate code and providing configuration options.
  • Enables seamless integration with other frameworks, enhancing its versatility.
  • Benefits from a large and active community, ensuring continuous improvement and ample resources for developers.

Companies Using the Spring Framework:  

  • Netflix: It relies on Spring for various backend services and microservices, leveraging its scalability and flexibility.
  • Ticketmaster: It utilizes Spring for developing and managing its ticketing platform, taking advantage of its robustness and modularity.
  • Yatra: It relies on Spring to build its travel and booking platform, benefiting from its comprehensive features for scalable applications.

Go through these most frequently asked Spring Interview Questions for 2024 that will prepare you for the job interviews.

2. Hibernate 

Hibernate is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for Java. Its primary objective is to simplify database programming by mapping Java objects to database tables, thus allowing developers to work with objects instead of writing complex SQL statements directly. Hibernate abstracts the database interactions, providing a convenient and object-oriented approach to database handling. It effectively bridges the gap between the object-oriented domain model and the relational database.

Features of the Hibernate Framework:

  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) capabilities
  • Automatic table creation based on object structure (schema generation)
  • Data querying through Hibernate Query Language (HQL) or Criteria API
  • Caching mechanisms for improved performance
  • Support for various database management systems
  • Integration with Java EE technologies

Advantages of Hibernate Framework:

  • Increased Productivity: Enables developers to focus on business logic by handling database interactions transparently.
  • Portability and Database Independence: Allows switching between different databases without significant changes in the codebase.
  • Improved Performance: Offers caching mechanisms and optimized queries for enhanced performance.
  • Mapping Flexibility: Provides flexibility in mapping object models to database schemas.

Companies Using Hibernate Framework:

  • Airbnb: Utilizes Hibernate as part of its technology stack for managing data interactions and improving scalability.
  • Atlassian: Employs Hibernate within its products, using its ORM capabilities for efficient database handling.
  • Slack: Utilizes Hibernate for its data access layer, benefiting from its simplicity and database abstraction features.

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3. Play

Play is a high-performance web application framework primarily designed for Java and Scala. It emphasizes developer productivity, offering a modern and reactive platform for building web applications. Play focuses on simplicity, scalability, and being lightweight. It supports a reactive programming model and follows a convention-over-configuration approach, reducing boilerplate code and allowing developers to focus on business logic.

Features of Play Framework:

  • Hot reloading for quick development turnaround
  • RESTful architecture for building scalable APIs
  • Asynchronous programming support for non-blocking I/O operations
  • Integrated testing capabilities for automated testing
  • WebSockets and reactive streams for real-time data handling
  • Form handling and validation
  • Built-in support for dependency injection

Advantages of Play Framework:

  • Rapid Development: Offers hot reloading, allowing quick code changes without restarting the server, boosting developer productivity.
  • Scalability: Supports a reactive and non-blocking model, making it suitable for handling concurrent requests and scaling applications.
  • Clean and Intuitive API: Provides an intuitive API, reducing the learning curve and making it easier to build web applications.
  • Testability: Offers built-in testing capabilities, enabling developers to write automated tests for their applications.
  • Real-time Web: Supports WebSockets and reactive streams for handling real-time data efficiently.

Companies Using Play Framework:

  • LinkedIn: Utilizes Play framework in parts of its technology stack, leveraging its scalability and modern architecture for web applications.
  • Verizon: Employs Play framework for some of its web-based services, benefiting from its high-performance capabilities.
  • Samsung: Samsung uses Play for specific projects, leveraging its simplicity and support for asynchronous operations.

4. Apache Struts

Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, providing a structured approach for building robust and maintainable web applications. Core Philosophy: Struts simplifies application development by separating the presentation layer (View), business logic (Controller), and data handling (Model) to ensure a clear separation of concerns and promote code reusability.

Features of Apache Struts Framework:

  • MVC architecture for organizing application components
  • Form validation and error handling mechanisms
  • Tag libraries for creating dynamic views
  • Integration with various technologies like JSP, Servlets, and ORM frameworks
  • Built-in support for internationalization and localization
  • Configurable and extensible through XML-based configuration files
  • Robust input validation and data binding capabilities

Advantages of Apache Struts Framework:

  • Structured Development: Enforces a clear separation of concerns through the MVC architecture, enhancing the maintainability and reusability of code.
  • Validation and Error Handling: Offers built-in mechanisms for form validation and error handling, ensuring data integrity and user-friendly error messages.
  • Wide Integration: Easily integrates with other Java technologies and frameworks, enabling developers to use existing tools and libraries.
  • Community Support: Benefits from a large community contributing to its development and providing resources for developers.

Companies Using Apache Struts Framework:

  • Vodafone: Utilizes Apache Struts in some of its web applications, taking advantage of its structured approach to development and ease of integration.
  • Morgan Stanley: Employs Struts in parts of its technology stack for building web interfaces, benefiting from its MVC architecture and rapid development features.
  • Lockheed Martin: Uses Apache Struts for certain web applications, leveraging its robustness and structured approach to application development.

5. Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a Java framework designed for building lightweight, high-performance RESTful web services. It integrates various proven libraries into a cohesive package, providing developers  a  toolkit for rapidly developing production-ready web applications. Dropwizard aims to streamline the development of services by bundling together well-established libraries and promoting best practices in a single, easy-to-use framework.

Features of Dropwizard Framework:

  • Integrated and opinionated configuration system (based on YAML)
  • Jetty HTTP server for high-performance web applications
  • Jersey for RESTful web services
  • Jackson for JSON serialization
  • Metrics for application monitoring
  • Health checks and operational tools
  • Simplified handling of application logs
  • Database integration (using Hibernate, JDBI, or other JDBC-based libraries)

Advantages of Dropwizard Framework:

  • High Performance: Utilizes Jetty for the HTTP server, providing a performant platform for web applications.
  • Monitoring and Metrics: Built-in support for metrics and health checks, facilitating application monitoring and operational insights.
  • Simplified Configuration: Uses YAML-based configuration, making it easier to manage and maintain application settings.
  • Favorable for Microservices: Suitable for building microservices due to its lightweight and focused nature.

Companies Using Dropwizard Framework:

  • Yammer (Microsoft): Utilizes Dropwizard for some of its services, taking advantage of its lightweight and efficient framework for building RESTful applications.
  • RetailMeNot: Employs Dropwizard for parts of its technology stack, benefiting from its rapid development features and built-in tools for monitoring.

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6. Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source Java-based framework developed by Google. It allows developers to build and optimize complex browser-based applications in Java, which are then compiled into optimized JavaScript. GWT emphasizes the idea of writing client-side web applications in Java, enabling developers to use their existing Java expertise to create interactive and efficient web applications.

Features of Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Framework:

  • Java to JavaScript Compiler: Translates Java code into optimized JavaScript for the browser.
  • Widgets and UI Components: Offers a wide range of built-in widgets and UI components for creating rich and interactive web interfaces.
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Mechanism: Simplifies client-server communication with a straightforward RPC mechanism.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensures compatibility across various web browsers for a consistent user experience.
  • Integration with Google APIs: Provides integration with various Google APIs for services like Maps, Charts, and others.
  • Debugging Support: Offers debugging capabilities, allowing developers to debug Java code instead of JavaScript in the browser.

Advantages of Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Framework (bullet points):

  • Code Reusability: Enables developers to write code in Java and compile it to JavaScript, allowing reuse of existing Java libraries and expertise.
  • Improved Productivity: Provides a familiar development environment for Java developers, leading to enhanced productivity and efficiency.
  • Optimized Performance: Generates optimized JavaScript code, improving application performance and reducing load times.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensures consistent performance and behavior across different web browsers.
  • Debugging Ease: Simplifies debugging by allowing developers to debug Java code instead of directly working with complex JavaScript.

Companies using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Framework (examples):

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard): Utilizes GWT in parts of its web applications for creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces.
  • AdWords (Google Ads): Historically, Google used GWT in developing parts of its AdWords platform, leveraging its capabilities for building complex web applications.

7. Java Server Faces (JSF)

Java Server Faces (JSF) is a component-based web framework developed by Oracle for building user interfaces for Java web applications. It simplifies the development of web-based user interfaces by providing reusable UI components and a clear separation of concerns between the presentation layer and business logic. JSF aims to streamline web application development by offering a component-based model, enabling developers to create reusable and modular UI components.

Features of Java Server Faces (JSF) Framework:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Offers a rich set of reusable UI components for building web interfaces.
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) Support: Facilitates the separation of concerns by providing a clear structure for handling user interface interactions, data processing, and rendering.
  • Event-Driven Programming Model: Allows handling user actions and events in a straightforward manner.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Java EE technologies like Servlets, JSP, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).
  • Support for AJAX: Provides built-in support for AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) for developing responsive and interactive web applications.
  • Built-in Validation: Offers built-in validation capabilities for user input, ensuring data integrity and security.

Advantages of Java Server Faces (JSF) Framework:

  • Separation of Concerns: Promotes a clear separation between the presentation layer and business logic, improving the maintainability and scalability of applications.
  • Rapid Development: Offers a high level of abstraction, allowing developers to quickly build web interfaces using pre-built components.
  • Community and Support: Benefits from a large community and active development, ensuring continuous improvement and availability of resources.
  • AJAX Support: Facilitates the development of interactive and responsive web applications by supporting AJAX-based functionalities.

Companies Using Java Server Faces (JSF) Framework:

  • Lufthansa: Utilizes JSF in parts of its web applications, using its component-based architecture for building user-friendly interfaces.
  • IBM: Employs JSF in certain projects, benefiting from its modular and component-based approach to web application development.

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8. Vaadin

Vaadin is an open-source Java framework used for building modern web applications. It allows developers to create user interfaces using Java and offers a component-based architecture, enabling the creation of web applications without the need for extensive JavaScript knowledge. Vaadin simplifies web development by providing a set of pre-built UI components and handling client-server communication transparently, allowing developers to focus on Java for both frontend and backend development.

Features of Vaadin Framework:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Provides a wide range of pre-built UI components for building modern web applications.
  • Server-Side Java Development: Allows writing backend logic and frontend UI using Java, abstracting away the need for writing client-side JavaScript.
  • Data Binding and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern: Facilitates efficient data binding between the UI components and backend data sources.
  • Built-in Theming and Customization: Offers theming options and allows customization of UI components to match specific design requirements.
  • Support for Responsive Web Design: Enables building responsive and mobile-friendly web applications.
  • Integration with Java EE and Spring: Seamlessly integrates with Java EE and Spring frameworks for enterprise-level application development.

Advantages of Vaadin Framework:

  • Simplified Development: Allows frontend and backend development in Java, eliminating the need for separate client-side scripting.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Offers a wide range of pre-built UI components, allowing quick prototyping and development of web interfaces.
  • Code Reusability: Encourages code reuse through its component-based architecture, enhancing modularity and reducing development time.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: This enables building web applications compatible with different devices and browsers.
  • Strong Community and Support: Benefits from an active community and continuous development, providing resources and support to developers.

Companies Using Vaadin Framework:

  • Swissquote: Utilizes Vaadin in parts of its web applications, leveraging its Java-based approach for building user interfaces.
  • Municipality of Helsinki: Employs Vaadin for certain web-based projects, benefiting from its ease of development and robust UI components.

 9. Blade

Blade is a simple, lightweight, and high-performance Java web framework. It follows a minimalist approach, focusing on essential features for web development while maintaining simplicity and efficiency. Blade aims to provide developers with a minimalistic yet powerful framework for building web applications, prioritizing ease of use and performance.

Features of Blade Framework:

  • Lightweight and Fast: Emphasizes speed and efficiency in handling web requests.
  • Simple Configuration: Provides easy configuration options for setting up web applications.
  • Template Engine: Offers a templating engine to create dynamic web content.
  • RESTful Routing: Supports RESTful routing for defining routes and handling HTTP requests.
  • Built-in Components: Provides essential components for web development, maintaining a minimalistic approach.

Advantages of Blade Framework:

  • Simplicity: Prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, allowing developers to quickly start building web applications.
  • Performance: Focuses on efficiency, providing a lightweight framework that performs well in handling web requests.
  • Ease of Configuration: Offers simple and intuitive configuration settings, making it easier to set up and deploy web applications.
  • Flexibility: Allows developers to build web applications with minimal overhead and adapt it to their specific project requirements.

Companies using Blade Framework:

  • Alibaba Cloud: Uses Blade in parts of its technology stack, leveraging its simplicity and high-performance capabilities.
  • NetEase (163.com): Employs Blade for certain web applications, benefiting from its minimalistic design and flexibility

10. Grails

Grails is an open-source web application framework based on the Groovy programming language and built upon the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It follows the Convention over Configuration (CoC) paradigm, aiming to simplify and accelerate the development of web applications. Grails prioritizes developer productivity by providing a highly productive environment with pre-built code generators, a rich set of plugins, and a convention-based approach to configuration.

Features of Grails Framework:

  • Convention over Configuration (CoC): Reduces the need for configuration by establishing default conventions and minimizing boilerplate code.
  • GORM (Grails Object-Relational Mapping): Offers a powerful, easy-to-use Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for database interaction.
  • Groovy Language: Utilizes the Groovy language, providing concise and expressive syntax while leveraging the Java ecosystem.
  • Integrated Plugins: Provides a vast ecosystem of plugins for extending functionality, simplifying the integration of various features into applications.
  • Simplified Testing: Offers built-in support for unit testing, integration testing, and behavior-driven development (BDD).

Advantages of Grails Framework:

  • Rapid Development: Accelerates development through its convention-based approach, reducing configuration and promoting code reusability.
  • Productivity: Enhances developer productivity by leveraging the concise and expressive nature of the Groovy language and pre-built plugins.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with existing Java libraries and frameworks, leveraging the Java ecosystem.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: Offers a vast collection of plugins for extending functionality, simplifying complex tasks, and enhancing application features.
  • Testability: Provides built-in support for different types of testing, enabling developers to write comprehensive test suites for their applications.

Companies Using Grails Framework:

  • Netflix: Utilizes Grails in parts of its technology stack for certain web applications, taking advantage of its rapid development capabilities and plugin ecosystem.
  • Sky: Employs Grails for specific projects, benefiting from its convention-based approach and integrated testing support.

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Advantages of Java Frameworks

Java frameworks offer various advantages that help developers code efficiently. Lets explore why these frameworks are widely used:

  • Simplified Development: Java frameworks provide abstractions and pre-defined structures, reducing the complexity of application development. They offer ready-to-use modules, APIs, and patterns that streamline Java application development.
  • Code Reusability: Frameworks encourage modular programming, promoting the reuse of code components across projects. This reusability enhances productivity and maintains consistency across different applications.
  • Efficient Maintenance: By enforcing standard practices and conventions, Java frameworks make codebases more readable, maintainable, and easier to debug. This contributes to reduced maintenance efforts over the application’s lifecycle.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Frameworks often come with scaffolding features, code generators, and pre-built templates that enable developers to create prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) swiftly, facilitating faster iteration cycles.
  • Ecosystem Integration: Java frameworks seamlessly integrate with other Java technologies, libraries, and enterprise solutions. This allows developers to leverage a rich ecosystem of tools and resources available within the Java ecosystem.

Want to ace your next Java interview? Check out our recent blog post about the most common Java interview questions and answers!


Java frameworks provide developers with a toolbox of powerful tools, making app development smoother and more efficient. They simplify coding, encourage reuse, and offer scalability while ensuring better security and easier maintenance. By using these frameworks, developers can create robust, secure, and adaptable applications, streamlining the entire development process.

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About the Author

Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science

Presenting Sahil Mattoo, a Senior Consultant Analytics & Data Science at Eli Lilly and Company is an accomplished professional with 14 years of experience across data science, analytics, and technical leadership domains, demonstrates a remarkable ability to drive business insights. Sahil holds a Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence from Great Lakes Institute of Management.