What is a Segmentation Fault in C++?

What is a Segmentation Fault in C++?

Segmentation fault in C++ is a common error that is also known as ‘segfault’. These faults occur when a process tries to reach an unpermissible memory location.

In C++, the segmentation fault error occurs when a certain program tries to read or write to a memory space that is not allocated to it. In this article, we will try to learn about the segmentation fault and its major causes, along with their good coding practices to prevent it. We will also discuss a few methods to debug and detect these segmentation faults in C++. 

Table of Contents:

Common Causes of Segmentation Faults in C++

A segmentation fault is caused by different types of coding errors. Understanding these causes is important to detect, debug, and prevent errors. Here are the most common causes of errors that lead to segmentation faults:

1. Dereferencing a NULL Pointer in C++

In C++, dereferencing a null pointer is one of the most common causes of segmentation faults. It occurs because a null pointer points to nothing but holds the memory addresses, which means that you are trying to access the data through a pointer that has not been initialized or is set to NULL. This throws errors or segfaults because you are trying to access invalid memory.




In this code, a null pointer is used to show the segmentation fault caused by invalid access to the memory.

2. Buffer Overflow in C++

In C++, a buffer overflow occurs when a program or process enters more data than the fixed limit of the memory in a buffer, which leads to overwriting in the memory locations. This causes unexpected behavior, crashes, or security issues, which throw errors.





Buffer Overflow in Cpp

In this code, the buffer size is already fixed, but the program is using the memory more than the limit, causing the buffer overflow.

3. Accessing freed memory in C++

Accessing freed memory occurs in C++ when a program tries to read or write in the memory location that has already been deallocated using the free function or delete. This error is also known as using the dangling pointer. It leads to crashes, invalid data entry, or segmentation faults.




Accessing freed memory in C++

In this code, delete is used to free the memory, and the pointer reads the value from the memory that has already been freed, causing the segmentation fault.

4. Incorrect Pointer Arithmetic in C++

In C++, pointer arithmetic allows operations like addition and subtraction on the pointers. So, the incorrect pointer arithmetic leads to incorrect calculations, which lead to accessing the invalid memory location, causing the segmentation faults.




Incorrect Pointer Arithmetic in C++

In this code, an array is created with five elements, and a pointer is assigned to it. You have to move the pointer 10 positions forward, which is not possible due to the fixed limit. That’s why it’s giving the wrong calculation and invalid data as a result.

5. Stack Overflow in C++

A stack overflow in C++ occurs when a program uses more stack memory than the allotted limit. This leads to faults. It happens when too many function calls use all the available memory or stack space. 




Stack Overflow in C++

In this code, the recursing is printed again and again because there is no condition to stop the recursive function, causing the stack overflow or a segmentation error.

6. Improper Use of scanf() in C++

In C++, scanf() is used to take input in the program. The improper use of scanf() leads to accessing incorrect inputs or invalid data, which causes segmentation faults and errors in the programs.




Improper Use of scanf() in C++

In this code, the scanf() function is used incorrectly, and there is also a missing size limit, therefore, it is causing a segmentation fault by printing the hello in the place where a name is to be entered.

7. Modifying a String Literal in C++

In C++, modifying a string literal causes a segmentation fault because it is stored in read-only memory and cannot be modified. 




Modifying a String Literal in C++

In this code, a string literal is in read-only memory, and on trying to do modification, it is causing a segmentation fault, as the program crashes after the modification.

How to Detect and Debug Segmentation Faults in C++

Below are a few methods to detect and debug the segmentation faults in C++:

Method 1: Using GDB Debugger

Until now, GDB has been one of the most powerful tools to debug C++ programs.

Steps to Use GDB:

1. You can use the compilation symbol (-g) to debug the program. Use the programming syntax given below.

g++ -g program.cpp -o program  

2. Run the program with GDB.

db ./program

3. Start executing the program.


4. When a segmentation fault occurs, check the backtrace.


Method 2: Using valgrind 

You can detect and debug the segmentation faults in C++ programs by using Valgrind. It is also a powerful tool to debug memory-related errors, as it can easily detect invalid memory access.

Steps to use Valgrind:

1. First, install Valgrind using the given codes.

sudo apt install valgrind
sudo yum install valgrind

2. Now, run the program using Valgrind.

valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./program  

Method 3: Using Address Sanitizer (ASan)

In C++, you can use Address Sanitizer (ASan) to detect and debug the buffer overflow and other segmentation faults. It detects memory corruption and use of the allotted memory beyond the given limits. 

Steps to Use:

1. You can use the code given below to compile the program.

g++ -fsanitize=address -g program.cpp -o program

2. Then, run the program.


Method 4: Enable Core Dumps (Linux/macOS)

You can also use the core dumps to debug the C++ program. As core dumps are the snapshots of the program’s memory at the time when the program crashes, they provide you with the status of the program and help you find out the causes of errors or segmentation faults.

Steps to Use:

1. You can enable the core dumps using the code given below.

ulimit -c unlimited
./program  # Run the program until it crashes

2. Now, analyze the core dump with GDB to find out the error using this code.

gdb ./program core

3. Then, use this to backtrace the program.


Method 5: Using std::cout Debugging

Using std::cout in C++ is the simplest yet most effective method to detect or debug the codes. You can simply use std::cout in your program and find out the errors, as it gives immediate results.

Steps to Use:

1. Compile the code normally using this code syntax.

g++ -g debug_program.cpp -o debug_program

2. And normally run the program.


How to Prevent Segmentation Faults in C++

  • Always initialize pointers before use and check for the null pointers so that they cannot access invalid memory location.
  • Use smart pointers to manage the memory corruption for the program.
  • Check the limit of the allotted memory for the program.
  • Avoid using the std::cout in an incorrect manner.
  • To catch the segmentation faults in the program at the moment, enable the compiler warnings.
  • Do not use the dangling pointers, as they point to the memory that has already been freed.
  • Use the debugging tools to detect and debug the errors easily in the program.
  • Regularly do the code reviews and testing for the best results.

Role of Memory Management Unit in Segmentation Faults in C++

The role of the Memory Management Unit (MMU) in the segmentation fault in C++ is very important, as it changes the virtual memory into the physical memory in advanced computer systems. When an invalid memory access occurs, it gives a segmentation fault. Also, when a program tries to access the memory from outside the given fixed segment boundary, it gives the segmentation fault. The MMU manages the stack and heap memory allocation. It provides memory protection and address translation.




Role of Memory Management Unit in Segmentation Faults in C++

In this code, the program is trying to access the invalid memory that is noticed by the MMU, and it gives the segmentation fault.

How Segmentation Faults Were Handled in Early C++

Below are a few points that show how the segmentation faults were handled in early C++:

  • In the early days of C++, developers checked the codes or programs manually to detect and debug segmentation faults, as there were no debugging tools available.
  • There were no advanced memory management units to provide memory security, so memory management was an issue.
  • Developers use the core dumps generated by the systems, which were snapshots of the programs’s memory at the time of the system crash, to debug the segmentation faults that occurred.
  • There were basic operating systems and compilers, so the compilations were done in phases to avoid segmentation faults.
  • Developers were fully dependent on the code reviews to detect and debug the segmentation faults, which were done manually.
  • Also, developers highly depend on the print statement to get the segmentation fault or error from the code.

How to Handle Segmentation Faults in the Operating System in C++

The operating system manages the segmentation faults by identifying them using the memory protection mechanism of the CPU and examining the errors to determine whether they are recoverable or not. 

Below are a few points that show how the segmentation fault is handled in the operating systems in C++:

  • The CPU identifies whether the memory accessed by the process is valid or not, and if the memory is invalid, it shows a page fault or error.
  • The OS verifies if the memory page table of the process is valid or not, and if the page is missing, it shows a segmentation fault.
  • The OS sends signal 11 to the process, and this kills the process by default if the process has an error.
  • Sometimes, the OS takes the snapshots by enabling the core dumps, making it easier to handle the segmentation faults.
  • The OS frees all the memory taken by the process if the process does not handle the signal and gets terminated.
  • If the segmentation fault occurs in the kernel mode due to the error in the drivers, the OS can crash.
  • Sometimes, the OS handles the segmentation faults by using the virtual memory.




How to Handle Segmentation Faults in the Operating System in C++

In this code, the OS is using the signal handler function to handle the segmentation faults. The signal handler function takes the input as the integer signal number, and if the segmentation fault occurs, it prints the message and exits the program.


Segmentation faults are the common errors that can lead to program crashes and errors. Understanding their causes, using debugging tools, and following the best practices help to reduce the occurring errors. Also, handling the segmentation fault in OS is important to access the valid memory and increase the performance of the program.

About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.

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