Starting with HBase Shell Commands
2.1 HBase shell commands
HBase shell provide the commands which are used to communicate with hbase.
General Commands
- whoami: It gives the information about the user.
hbase> whoami
- status: It gives the status of HBase. Its syntax is as follows:
hbase> status
- table_help: It gives help for table-reference commands. Its syntax is as follows:-
hbase> table_help
hbase> version
Data Definition Language
These are the commands that operate on the tables in HBase.
- create– It is used to creates a table.
create ‘<table name>’,’<column family>’
- disable– It is used to disables a table.
Hbase>disable ‘table name’
- is_disabled– It verifies that whether a table is disabled.
hbase> is_disabled 'table name'
- list– It is used to lists all the table.
hbase> list
- enable–It is used to enables a table.
hbase>enable ‘table name’
- is_enabled– It verifies that whether a table is enabled.
hbase> is_enabled 'table name'
- exit – It is used to exit the shell.
- alter– This command is used to alter the table
hbase>alter ‘table name’, 'conditions'
- exists– It verifies that whether a table exists.
hbase>exists ‘table name’
- describe– It gives the description of a table.
hbase> describe 'table name'
- drop– It drops a table from HBase. Drop means complete deletion of table. For this first disable the table then drop it.
hbase> disable ‘table name’
hbase> drop ‘table name’
- drop_all– It is used to drop the tables matching the ‘regex’ given in the command.
hbase>drop_all regex;
Regex is the term which specify the table name like if you want to delete those table which are start from f then regex will be f.*
Java Admin API– Java gives an Admin API to achieve DDL functionalities through programming. Package apache.hadoop.hbase.client contains two classes, HBaseAdmin and HTableDescriptor that provide DDL functionalities.

Data manipulation language
- put– It is used to put a cell value at a specified column in a specified row in a particular table. Using this command, we can insert rows into a table. Its syntax is as follows:
hbase>put ’<table name>’,’row’,’<columnfamily:columnname>’,’<value>’
- delete– It is used to delete a cell value in a table.
hbase>delete ‘<table name>’, ‘<row>’, ‘<column name >’, ‘<time_stamp>’
- deleteall– It deletes all the cells in a given row.
hbase>deleteall ‘<table name>’, ‘<row>’
- get– It is used to read the contents of row or a cell.
hbase>get ’<table name>’,’row’
- count– It counts and returns the number of rows in a specified
hbase>count ‘<table name>’
- scan– It is used to scan and then return the table data.
hbase>scan ‘<table name>’
- truncate– It is used to disables, drop, and recreate a specified table.
hbase>truncate 'table name'
- Java client API-Java provides a client API to obtain DML functionalities. org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client package has HTable Put and Get are the classes which are used to perform CRUD(create, retrieve, update, delete) operation
2. 2 Commands for Security:-
Following commands are used to provide the security of the database from unauthorized access.
- grant – It is used to give specific rights such write, execute, read and admin on a table to a particular user.
hbase>grant <username> <permissions> [<tablename> [<column _family> [<column; qualifier>]]
- user_permission – It gives the list of all the permissions for a specified table.
hbase>user_permission ‘tablename’
- revoke – It is used to revoke a user’s access rights of a table. Its syntax is as follows:
hbase> revoke <user>