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Reasons to Choose React.js for Web Development

Reasons to Choose React.js for Web Development

If you’re a web developer seeking cutting-edge tools for enhanced productivity, you’re in the right place. This blog explores the top reasons to opt for React JS, from its component-based architecture to its smooth integration with other libraries. According to recent data, React JS maintains an astounding 65% popularity among developers, surpassing other frameworks. 

According to the study conducted by Statista in 2022, Node Js emerged as the most widely utilized framework worldwide. React secured the second position, while Angular was ranked fifth on the same list.

Table of Contents

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What is React Js?

React JS is an open-source JavaScript library that serves as a front-end user interface (UI) framework. It is basically used for building interactive and dynamic web applications. Created and maintained by Facebook, React has gained widespread popularity among developers due to its efficiency, flexibility, and performance. It helps the developers to create reusable UI components that efficiently update and render in response to changes in data, which further on provides a smooth user experience.

The primary intent behind using React JS is to build responsive and high-performance web applications with a focus on a component-based architecture. Its key features include the use of a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), one-way data binding, and a declarative syntax, enabling developers to efficiently manage and manipulate the UI without directly interacting with the real DOM. This results in faster rendering and improved performance.

Many prominent organizations across various industries have adopted React JS for their web applications. For instance, have leveraged React’s capabilities to create engaging and feature-rich user interfaces.

React JS works by breaking the UI into reusable components. Each component encapsulates specific functionalities, allowing developers to build complex applications with ease. When data changes within a component, React efficiently updates only the affected parts of the UI, thanks to its virtual DOM. This results in minimized reflows and repaints, leading to enhanced performance.

JavaScript plays a crucial role in enabling React JS to function seamlessly. React primarily uses JavaScript’s ECMAScript 6 (ES6) syntax, which includes modern features like arrow functions, classes, and modules. JavaScript’s powerful ecosystem provides access to numerous libraries and packages, further enhancing React’s capabilities and facilitating the development process.

A Brief History of React Js

React JS, an influential JavaScript library, has transformed the landscape of web development since its inception. Let’s have a look towards their history:

  • Developed by Facebook, React Js was first deployed in 2011 for internal use, but it was later open-sourced in May 2013, allowing developers worldwide to harness its potential.
  • The journey of React JS began when Facebook sought a more effective approach to address its growing challenges in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. The primary motivation was to optimize performance and enable seamless updates to large-scale applications. Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook, is credited with developing the prototype of React Js, initially known as “FaxJS.”
  • In 2011, React JS was introduced to Facebook’s newsfeed, and its unparalleled efficiency and performance quickly caught the attention of developers. By using a virtual DOM, React JS efficiently rendered components, minimizing redundant updates and reflows, which significantly improved UI responsiveness.
  • Upon its open-source release, React Js garnered widespread acclaim and adoption, becoming a game-changer in web development. Its component-based architecture and one-way data flow offered developers an intuitive way to build and maintain complex user interfaces, resulting in faster development cycles and enhanced productivity.
  • As React Js continued to evolve, its impact on the web development field became increasingly evident. It sparked a wave of innovation, leading to the emergence of other libraries and frameworks inspired by its approach. The React ecosystem flourished, with an abundance of third-party libraries and tools complementing its functionalities.

React Js also played a pivotal role in shaping modern web development practices. Developers began to embrace the concept of declarative programming, where they focus on describing “what” they want the user interface to look like, rather than getting bogged down in “how” to achieve it. This paradigm shift simplified the development process and enhanced code maintainability.

 Popularity of ReactJS

React is used by many popular MNCs including giants like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Netflix, and WhatsApp. According to a survey, React is one of the most in-demand web frameworks and is the favored pick of more than 40% of software professionals worldwide. Notably, React, along with other JavaScript technologies, has been adopted by prominent global enterprises in the development of market-leading products, with notable instances being Reddit, Facebook, etc.

Along with that, Facebook and its entire team have demonstrated their commitment towards enhancing Reactjs and its efficiency. This shows that they are going to achieve greater heights in the future as well. With their evolving ecosystem and their additional features like strong community, cross platform development, etc., they are going to  dominate the market in the coming time as well.

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Why Use React for Web Development?

Why Use React for Web Development?

As an integral component of the JavaScript language, the utilization of React confers numerous benefits. Let’s explore some of those benefits why we are using Reactjs for web development.

Let us explore the various points that will let you know the benefits of using React Js for web development.

Improved UI Performance with React JS

React’s efficient rendering process makes web applications faster and more responsive. It uses a Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that creates a lightweight copy of the actual DOM. When data changes occur, React calculates the minimal changes required to update the Virtual DOM and efficiently applies those changes to the real DOM. This approach reduces unnecessary re-rendering and leads to a smoother user experience.

For example, imagine you have a to-do list with several items. With React’s Virtual DOM, only the specific item that you modify will be updated on the screen rather than re-rendering the entire list, resulting in faster and more efficient updates.

Component-Based Architecture for Web Development

React follows a component-based architecture, which means building web applications by combining small, self-contained components. Each component can manage its state and behavior independently, making the application easier to understand, develop, and maintain. This modular approach encourage code reusability, simplifies debugging, and promotes scalability.

To illustrate, think of building a car where different components, like engine, wheels, and seats, can be developed independently and later assembled to create a complete car. Similarly, React’s component-based approach allows developers to create individual components like buttons, forms, and headers, which can be summed up to create a fully functional web application.

Reusable UI Components with React

As React components are self-contained, they can be reused across multiple pages or even projects. There are a lot of libraries which provide custom UI components for developers, which make their work easier and faster. Moreover, Developers can create a library of custom UI components that follows a consistent design language, ensuring a unified and professional look for the entire application.

Imagine you design a custom button component with various styles and animations. You can easily reuse this button component throughout your website, maintaining a consistent user interface and saving time and effort.

Check out our React Tutorial to ace the domain of Frontend Webdevelopment. 

Enhanced Code Maintainability using React JS

With its declarative nature and component-based architecture, React encourage code maintainability. Declarative code allows developers to specify “what” they want to achieve, leaving React to handle “how” to accomplish it. This approach results in more readable and organized code, making it easier for the developers to collaborate and understand each other’s work.

For instance, writing code in React involves expressing UI components’ states and behaviors concisely. This clarity enhances the development team’s ability to work together effectively.

Efficient Virtual DOM in React Web Development

The Virtual DOM in React makes it more efficient to update the UI. When data changes occur, React compares the current Virtual DOM with the previous one and calculates the minimum number of changes that are required to update the actual DOM. This approach minimizes the impact on performance, even for complex and large-scale applications.

An analogy to understand this is by comparing the Virtual DOM to an architect’s blueprint for a building. When there are changes in the design, only the blueprint is updated, instead of starting the construction from scratch, saving time and resources.

Streamlined Collaborative Development with React

React’s component-based structure enables effective collaboration among developers. Different team members can work on separate components independently, without interfering with others’ work. This promotes a more efficient and collaborative development process.

Considering an example, in a web development project, designers can work on the visual components, while developers focus on adding functionality. This separation of concerns allows for parallel development, leading to faster project completion.

Cross-Platform Capabilities with React Native

In addition to web development, React provides React Native which allows developers to build responsive mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using the same codebase. This cross-platform capability saves significant development time and resources, as a single codebase can be utilized for both platforms.

For instance, consider building a mobile app. Instead of creating separate codebases for iOS and Android, React Native enables developers to write once and deploy the app on both platforms, reducing development efforts.

Large and Active React JS Community Support

React JS enjoys a vast and vibrant community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts. This large community ensures ongoing support, frequent updates, and the availability of resources, tutorials, and libraries. Developers can seek help, learn new techniques, and stay updated with the latest trends and best practices of web development.

For instance, when encountering a complex development challenge, a developer can turn to the React community for assistance, advice, and solutions.

Seamless Integration with Other Libraries and Frameworks

React JS can easily integrate with other libraries and frameworks, enhancing its capabilities and extending its functionality. Developers can leverage the vast ecosystem of JavaScript tools to optimize the development process and enhance the application. React can seamlessly integrate with other libraries and frameworks like Redux, GraphQL, or Axios to enrich the development experience.

Extensive React Ecosystem and Third-Party Tools for Web Development

React JS benefits from a wide range of third-party tools and libraries available in its ecosystem. These tools provide solutions for specific challenges, such as data management, state handling, routing, and styling, among others. Developers can tap into this rich ecosystem to enhance productivity and focus on building unique features.

Think of the React ecosystem as a marketplace where developers can find various tools and resources tailored to their specific needs.

Rich Community Support and Resources from Meta

React Js is owned by Meta, one of the tech industry giants. This means it receives significant resources, constant improvements, and robust support from a company with substantial technical expertise and financial backing.

To put it simply, React benefits from being part of a large and influential organization, ensuring its continuous development and evolution.

Powers of Flux and Redux

React is frequently employed in combination with Flux or Redux, widely recognized libraries for state management. These libraries facilitate a unidirectional data flow, guaranteeing consistent behavior within applications and facilitating effortless debugging. By furnishing a centralized store that encompasses the entirety of the application’s data, Flux and Redux effectively oversee the management of the application’s state.

JSX Syntax for Extended HTML

React uses JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, which allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript. This approach provides a more declarative and intuitive way of defining UI components. JSX helps developers build dynamic UIs by combining HTML structure and JavaScript logic. Additionally, JSX provides compile-time checks, catching errors early in the development process and enabling faster debugging.

Unique React Hooks

React 16.8 brought about a significant transformation in the manner in which developers manage state and lifecycle methods in functional components through the introduction of React hooks. With hooks, developers can use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks allow developers to write cleaner and more concise code by encapsulating component logic into reusable functions. They promote code reusability, simplify complex UI logic, and improve the overall readability and maintainability of the codebase.

Applying for a Front End Developer job? Read our blog on React JS Interview Questions and get yourself prepared!

React Js Vs. Other JavaScript Libraries

Here are the points on which you can conclude why React Js is a good choice over other and what are the advantages of React Js over other frameworks:

React Js Vs. Angular

React Js Vs. Angular

Both frameworks have distinct advantages and cater to different developer preferences. Below mentioned are the major differences React Js and Angular:

Parameters React Js Angular
Learning CurveGentle learning curve with JSX and modular concepts.Steeper learning curve due to TypeScript and complex structure.
Component StructureHierarchical component structure for UI building.Component-based architecture with robust dependency injection.
State ManagementRequires additional libraries like Redux for intricate state handling.Offers built-in state management via services and RxJS observables.
RenderingUtilizes a Virtual DOM for optimized rendering.Employs real DOM and change detection mechanism.
Data BindingOne-way data flow for controlled updates.Supports both one-way and two-way data binding.
Size and PerformanceLightweight core contributes to faster load times.Larger bundle size, affecting initial load times.
CLI and ToolingLimited official tooling; often supplemented by third-party tools.Comprehensive CLI with built-in tools for various tasks.
Popularity and SupportWidely adopted with a strong community and industry backing.Developed and supported by Google, ensuring long-term stability.
Rendering ApproachUses JSX to embed HTML within JavaScript code.Utilizes templates to define component views.
Directives and PipesRelies on JavaScript for UI manipulation, with fewer directives.Extensive set of directives and pipes for UI interactions.
Dependency InjectionLacks built-in dependency injection, often achieved through external libraries.Offers robust dependency injection for efficient component communication.
Mobile App DevelopmentSupports mobile app development through React Native.Supports mobile app development via Ionic framework.

React Js Vs. Vue Js

React Js Vs. Vue Js

Below are the list of various differential parameters on which you can differentiate between React Js and Vue Js:

ParametersReact Js Vue Js
Learning CurveSteeper learning curve due to JSX and complex concepts.Gentle learning curve with straightforward syntax and concepts.
Component StructureHierarchical component structure with parent-child communication.More flexible component structure with built-in two-way binding.
State ManagementRequires additional libraries like Redux or MobX for complex state management.Offers built-in state management with Vuex for scalable applications.
Community and EcosystemLarger community, extensive libraries, and third-party integrations.Smaller community but growing, focused on simplicity and ease of use.
DirectivesLimited directives, mainly relies on JavaScript.Abundant directives like v-if, v-for, simplifying UI manipulation.
PerformanceEfficient Virtual DOM for optimized updates.Reactive data binding and virtual DOM for efficient rendering.
Size and FootprintLightweight core, but additional libraries can increase bundle size.Compact core size with features available as plugins for smaller bundles.
IntegrationEasily integrates with other libraries and existing projects.Designed to be incrementally adoptable, fits well into various projects.
Popularity and AdoptionWidely adopted by large corporations and industry giants.Growing popularity, embraced by smaller teams and startups.
Syntax and Template StructureJSX for rendering HTML within JavaScript code.Templates with Vue-specific syntax for cleaner separation of concerns.
Render MethodUses a render() method to define component’s UI.Template-based rendering to define component’s structure.


Embracing React for web development offers many benefits, including improved UI performance, reusable components, and streamlined collaboration. Its vibrant community support and seamless integration options elevate its appeal. Whether it’s a complex user interface, large-scale application, or cross-platform project, React provides the tools and features to deliver exceptional results. Learning React opens doors to crafting dynamic and efficient user interfaces. 

Moving forward, dive deeper into advanced topics like state management with Redux, GraphQL integration, and server-side rendering to master full-stack development. As you continue your journey, anticipate the ability to build interactive and feature-rich web applications, setting the stage for a rewarding career in modern web development.

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About the Author

Techical Research Analyst - Front End Development

As a Technical Research Analyst, Kislaya specializes in Front End Development. He is a Full Stack Developer, known for crafting scalable architectures and user-centric interfaces. He has a massive international client base and is an expert in cloud computing, Linux, and Java Script, personifying a commitment to quality and information sharing.
