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Winning Real-time Big Data Converts – Cassandra Online Training

Winning Real-time Big Data Converts – Cassandra Online Training

Apache Cassandra has been attracting significant amount of attention from data management professionals and web application developers. As an open source database platform, it has been put into use with traditional enterprises, innovative startups and established firms. Some of its interesting features of Apache Cassandra are:

  • The most scalable and reliable NoSQL database system
  • Delivers real-time performance supporting scalable web-based and interactive applications
  • Deployable on multiple data centers spread across multiple geographical locations
  • High recovery and backup capabilities.

Certification in Bigdata Analytics

Apache Cassandra benefits

  • This also includes data replication across centers, high granular controls and optimized stability and performance.
  • In addition to the latest in technology, its open source characteristic further helps communities in taking full advantage of Big Data applications.
  • Today, it stands as the frontier in serving NoSQL packs while supporting real time and non-analytic Big Data applications.
  • Apache Cassandra performs to be a massive commission platform for both small and large organizations, including multi-currency and multi-lingual structures.
  • This NoSQL database able to manage database that requires petabytes of information processing with thousands of concurrent users being worked upon every second.

Interested to learn in detail? Go through this extensive Apache Cassandra Tutorial!

Career opportunities in Apache Cassandra

While the system is still new, there are a very few experts in the industry who provide real time competencies. However to match the demands and in lure of the high remuneration that they could thoroughly expect, many professionals are getting trained in this NoSQL database. It has been forever true that the first to take a dive in the vast field of opportunity is also the one who gets the most out of it. Professionals know what they can actually expect from a Cassandra training course and how substantial will it prove to their future course of events.

Learn what top MNCs ask with these Cassandra Interview Questions!

Bottom Line

The demand for Cassandra online training has been in full fledged demand since organizations are looking up to the platform in providing an economical performance without any new equipment coming into play. For organizations that rely heavily on databases, the huge data compression abilities (almost 80% in some cases) and the ability to eliminate the burden of memory catching software provided by Cassandra makes it perfect pot invest more on Cassandra professionals.

In most of the training modules of Intellipaat, the training material is available in the form of both video and audio providing a rich hands-on experience to the learners. Hence, graduating from Intellipaat will equip one with all the skills that big data-centered organizations are keenly looking for.

Enroll in Online Cassandra Training Course and take your career to the next level!


Course Schedule

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Big Data Course 27 Jul 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Big Data Course 03 Aug 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Big Data Course 10 Aug 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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About the Author

Senior Content Manager - Content and Content Marketing

Mohammad Waseem is a Senior Content Manager with a passion for crafting profound narratives. With a background in content and content marketing, he blends creativity with strategy to captivate audiences. His experience in content creation resonates across various platforms and gets lakhs of views, showcasing his expertise in content strategizing.
