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in BI by (17.6k points)

I have a Worksheet in Tableau which has the sole purpose of displaying a table. The table is made with 4 Discrete Dimensions as Rows. Note that the Discrete Dimensions were originally Continuous Measures. Here is what it looks like:

Screenshot of Tableau Rows and Table

I want this Worksheet to be just a table with no data points, in which the column of Marks should not be there. I do not want to use a workaround such as changing Mark to the same color as the background.

Is a table with no Marks only possible when there is also a Column specified (in which the Mark is Text)? That information was found here: Build a Text Table - Tableau.

I created a copy of the Row 3 pill and dragged it to the Text Mark. Then I unchecked "Show Header" from Row 3 on the Rows shelf and this is what happened:

Screenshot 2 of Tableau Rows and Table

This would be a great solution if the title of the column (Row 3) did not disappear. Is there a way for me to put another label there?

1 Answer

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by (47.2k points)
  • Rather than putting individual discrete measures on the Row shelf, you can place the Measure Names pill on the Column shelf, filter by the Measure values you would like to see in your table, and (lastly) place the measured values on the Label mark card.

  • Here's an example with a different dataset...

enter image description here

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