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+1 vote
in Machine Learning by (4.2k points)
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My problem is conceptually similar to solving anagrams, except I can't just use a dictionary lookup. I am trying to find plausible words rather than real words.

I have created an N-gram model (for now, N=2) based on the letters in a bunch of text. Now, given a random sequence of letters, I would like to permute them into the most likely sequence according to the transition probabilities. I thought I would need the Viterbi algorithm when I started this, but as I look deeper, the Viterbi algorithm optimizes a sequence of hidden random variables based on the observed output. I am trying to optimize the output sequence.

Is there a well-known algorithm for this that I can read about? Or am I on the right track with Viterbi and I'm just not seeing how to apply it?


I have added a bounty to ask for more insight into this problem. (Analysis explaining why an efficient approach isn't possible, other heuristics/approximations besides simulated annealing, etc.)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (6.8k points)

As an exercise, I wrote a simple implementation of Markov Chains in MATLAB. Basically its a letter-based probabilistic model to generating words.

function mc = MC(numStates)

    N = numStates;

    PI = ones(1,N)/N;

    TR = ones(N,N)/N;

    mc = struct('logprob',@logprob, 'train',@train, ...

   'sample',@sample, 'sampleFiltered',@sampleFiltered);

    function train(seqs)

        PI = 1 + histc(cellfun(@(c)c(1), seqs)', 1:N); %#'     TR = ones(N,N);

        for i=1:numel(seqs)

            ind = sub2ind([N N], seqs{i}(1:end-1), seqs{i}(2:end));

            TR = TR + reshape(histc(ind,1:N*N), [N N]);


        PI = bsxfun(@rdivide, PI, sum(PI,2)+(sum(PI,2)==0));

        TR = bsxfun(@rdivide, TR, sum(TR,2)+(sum(TR,2)==0));


    function seq = sample(len)

        seq = zeros(1,len);

        seq(1) = randsample(1:N, 1, true, PI);

        for t=2:len

            seq(t) = randsample(1:N, 1, true, TR(seq(t-1),:));



    function seq = sampleFiltered(allowed)

        len = numel(allowed);

        seq = zeros(1,len);

        seq(1) = randsample(allowed, 1, true, PI(allowed));

        allowed( find(allowed==seq(1),1,'first') ) = [];

        for t=2:len-1

            seq(t) = randsample(allowed, 1, true, TR(seq(t-1),allowed));

            allowed( find(allowed==seq(t),1,'first') ) = [];


        seq(t) = allowed;

        seq = seq(seq~=0);


    function LL = logprob(seq)

        LL = log(PI(seq(1))) + ...

             sum( log(TR(sub2ind([N N],seq(1:end-1),seq(2:end)))) );



We will need some text to train the model. We use 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' from Project Gutenberg.

%# read the text document

str = lower( urlread('') );

SP = char(32);                        %# delimiter (space)

str( ~isstrprop(str, 'alpha') ) = SP; %# replace non-letters with spaces

str( findstr(str, [SP SP]) ) = [];    %# consecutive spaces as one

idx = ( str == SP );                  %# location of spaces

df = diff([1 idx 1]);

len = find(df > 0) - find(df < 0);    %# length of each word

[seqs gn] = grp2idx( str(~idx)' );    %#' map letters to numbers starting from 1

seqs = mat2cell(seqs', 1, len)';      %# put each word in a separate cell

N = length(gn);                       %# A to Z

Finally, we use the model to either sample random words or sample words from a set of letters:

%# train Markov chain

mc = MC(N);


%# sample a random word

seq = mc.sample( randi([3 10]) );

fprintf('word = %s , logP(word)=%f\n', [gn{seq}], mc.logprob(seq))

%# sample a word from a set of letters

letters = lower('markovchains');

lettersIdx = cellfun(@(c) find(strcmp(c,gn)), cellstr(letters'));   %#'

seq = mc.sampleFiltered(lettersIdx);

fprintf('word = %s , logP(word)=%f\n', [gn{seq}], mc.logprob(seq))

Here's a bunch of examples generated from the letters 'markovchains', along with log-probability of the word given the model:

word = mivorancask , logP(word)=-29.610819

word = arknoamshiv , logP(word)=-32.496090

word = ancoramshik , logP(word)=-29.299897

word = orchisankav , logP(word)=-29.987204

word = avinchasorm , logP(word)=-27.178507

word = aronchaskim , logP(word)=-25.651964

You can see that although none are correct words, they are still better than just a random sequence of letters. Obviously using only the previous character to generate the next one is not enough, still, it can be easily extended to more sophisticated cases (N-gram).

The nice thing about such an approach is that it's not restricted to one language, and can be adapted to any other by simply feeding it documents from your language of choice.

Studying the NLP Course would provide something great to work on while understanding it. Also, since Machine Learning and NLP are interrelated, one can study this course as well to have prior knowledge.

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