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in AWS by (5.6k points)
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I'm have an application running where I'm getting a temporary  Access key and Secret key followed by a Session token. And now I want to create button in my application so that when I log in there will a button that will enable the users to access the AWS Services like S3.

I'm trying it with Java, but it's not working. Providing my code below:

 GetFederationTokenRequest getFederationTokenRequest = 

  new GetFederationTokenRequest();



// A sample policy for accessing Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) in the console.

String policy = "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Action\":\"sns:*\"," +



Any Help?

1 Answer

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by (12.4k points)

You can get AWS console URL from temporary credentials by retrieving a Token from the endpoint.

So first create a JSON object with the temporary credentials:


  "sessionId": "<aws access key id>",

  "sessionKey": "<aws secret access key>",

  "sessionToken": "<aws session token>"


Use this JSON as value for Session parameter in the below URL:<the JSON object>

Now JSON response will look like this,




And sue the Sign in Token value in the URL and it will open the console:<SigninToken>

In destination, you can specify the service like aws ec2 or S3.

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asked Jul 2, 2019 in AWS by Amyra (12.9k points)

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