The Correct Answer is B) (1, 2, 3): a Python tuple.
There are various types of data structures in Python and they are defined with specific symbols:
A) [1, 2, 3]: it is a list. Lists are mutable, that means the content can be changed after definition, for instance adding/removing elements and defined with square brackets.
B) (1, 2, 3): This is a tuple. Tuples are much like lists, but are immutable-that is, once they're created, you can't change their contents. They're defined with parentheses and so are quite different from lists.
C) {1, 2, 3}: This is a set. Sets are collections of unique elements and are defined using curly braces. Sets also happen to be mutable, just like lists, but cannot contain duplicate values.
D) {}: It would be an empty dictionary. In Python, dictionary data types are collections of a pair of keys values while also defined using the following symbols: {}. To have a set that is considered as empty, set() will be used instead.