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Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing

Whenever web developers want to ensure that the software is reliable and of high quality, the bug life cycle in software testing comes into play, as it is a step-by-step plan for finding, keeping track of, and fixing defects/bugs in a software program. This blog focuses on the bug life cycle touches on its stages and emphasizes its significance in ensuring that software is intact. What is striking about this is that more than 60% of bugs reported are due to untested or corrupted coding being deployed with the major issues including accidental database deletions accounting for around 10% of incidents according to available data.

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What is the Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing?

The Bug Life Cycle, also known as the Defect Life Cycle or Issue Life Cycle, is a process that describes the various stages that a defect goes through during its life cycle in software testing. It’s like a step-by-step plan for dealing with problems (bugs) in a software program. It includes identifying, logging, prioritizing, assigning, verifying, fixing, and closing defects in a software application. This helps teams handle and fix problems well, making the whole software development and testing process run more smoothly.

Imagine you’re a chef making a new recipe (software). While cooking, you notice that the oven temperature is not right (defect). The “Bug Life Cycle” is like your way of dealing with this issue. First, you identify the problem (temperature is off), then you write it down (register the defect). You decide how urgent it is (prioritize), assign the task to a sous-chef/second-in-command chef (developer fixes it), check if the temperature is correct (verify), and finally, confirm that the oven is working fine (close the defect). This step-by-step process is similar to how software testers manage and fix problems in a software application.

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Why Do We Need a Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing?

The Bug Life Cycle in software testing is important for a few reasons:

  • Structured Workflow: Bug Life Cycle helps us decide which problems are urgent and need attention first so that we can manage our time better.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: Tasks are assigned clearly.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Delivering software with fewer defects contributes to increased customer satisfaction. 
  • Early Identification and Reporting: Dealing with problems early helps ensure the software we create is of good quality and works well.
  • Effective Communication: Bug Life Cycle encourages teamwork between stakeholders, testers, developers, program managers, and project managers.
Bug Life Cycle in software testing

Key Takeaways Before Implementing a Bug Life Cycle

Before implementing a Bug Life Cycle in software testing, consider the following key takeaways:

  • Know Your Project: Before starting the Bug Life Cycle, make sure you understand your software project and what it needs.
  • Break It Down: Divide the Bug Life Cycle into clear steps, from finding problems to fixing them, so everyone knows what to do and things don’t get confusing.
  • Decide What’s Urgent: Figure out which problems are the most serious and need fixing first. This way, you can deal with the important stuff quickly.
  • Who Does What: Make sure everyone knows their job at each step of the Bug Life Cycle. This helps get things done faster and keeps everyone responsible for their part.

Bug Life Cycle States

The Bug Life Cycle typically consists of several states that a defect goes through from identification to resolution. It is now time to understand the actual workflow of a Bug Life Cycle with the help of a simple diagram, as shown below:

Bug Life Cycle States

These states may vary based on the specific processes followed by different organizations, but commonly include the following:

  • New: This is the state where the defect is identified and logged into the system for the first time. It represents the initial acknowledgment of a potential issue in the software.
  • Assigned: The defect is assigned to a developer or a responsible team member for further analysis and resolution. This stage involves determining who will be responsible for addressing and fixing the defect.
  • Active: The defect is actively being worked on by the assigned web developer or team. This stage signifies that efforts are underway to investigate, understand, and address the reported issue.
  • Test: After the developer has made changes to resolve the defect, the software undergoes testing to ensure that the fix does not introduce new issues. This stage involves the testing team validating the resolution.
  • Verified: Once testing confirms that the defect has been successfully fixed, it is marked as verified. This stage indicates that the resolution has been validated and the defect is considered resolved.
  • Closed: The defect is considered fully resolved, and the status is marked as closed. This stage may include additional documentation and comments about the resolution. It signifies that the reported issue is officially closed.
  • Reopened: If the defect is found to persist or recur during subsequent testing or usage, it is reopened to address any remaining issues. This stage allows for further investigation and resolution.
  • Rejected: In the rejected state, a defect may be declined due to three reasons: duplicate issue, not a genuine defect, or non-reproducible problem.
  • Deferred: In this state, if a defect can’t be fixed in the current cycle, it is postponed to a future release.

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Steps to Follow for Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing

Let’s examine the diagram provided below to understand the stages involved in the bug life cycle within software testing:

Steps to Follow for Bug Life Cycle in Software Testing

Here are the usual steps in the defect/bug life cycle, explained in simpler terms:

  • Step 1: Detect Bug
    • The tester finds a problem and marks it as “New.”
  • Step 2: Analysis by Project Manager
    • The issue is sent to the project manager for review.
  • Step 3: Bug Authentication
    • The project manager decides if the problem is real.
  • Step 4: Handling Invalid Bug
    • If the issue is not valid, it’s marked as “Rejected.”
    • If valid, it’s checked if it’s within the project’s scope.
  • Step 5: Check for Duplicates
    • The project manager looks for similar issues.
    • If found, the problem is marked as “Duplicate.”
  • Step 6: Assign to Developer or Mark In-Progress
    • If not a duplicate, the defect is given to the developer to fix.
    • It gets an “In-Progress” status.
  • Step 7: Code Fixing
    • The developer fixes the code and marks the defect as “Fixed.”
  • Step 8: Re-Testing by Tester
    • The tester checks if the fix works.
    • If successful, the defect is marked as “Closed.”
  • Step 9: Reopen if Necessary
    • If the fix doesn’t work, the defect is reopened and sent back to the developer for another try.

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As the industry progresses, the Bug Life Cycle will continue to be a key component in achieving a balance between rapid development and delivering high-quality, dependable software products.

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What is the Bug Life cycle in software testing?

The Bug Life Cycle in software testing outlines the stages a defect goes through from discovery to closure. It includes identification, logging, assignment, fixing, retesting, and closure, ensuring systematic defect resolution.

What is the software testing life cycle?

STLC is a step-by-step process that defines the phases of software testing from planning to closure, ensuring systematic and effective testing, including requirements analysis, test planning, execution, and reporting.

What is a bug in software testing?

A bug in software testing is an imperfection or defect in the software that deviates from expected behavior. It can cause failures or malfunctions, impacting the software’s functionality, reliability, or performance.

Tell the difference between a bug and a defect.

A bug and a defect are terms often used interchangeably, referring to issues in software. However, a bug is generally associated with coding errors, while a defect is a broader term focusing on any deviation from the expected behavior, including design flaws or requirement issues.  

What are the phases of STLC?

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) comprises phases such as Requirements Analysis, Test Planning, Test Design, Test Environment Setup, Test Execution, Defect Tracking, Test Reporting, and Test Closure. These phases collectively ensure a systematic and effective approach to software testing, enhancing product quality.

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