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Business Analytics Career Paths - Jobs, Salary and Scope

Business Analytics Career Paths - Jobs, Salary and Scope
Business Analytics Career Paths – Jobs, Salary and Scope

The blog covers the below-listed topics:

Business Analytics Careers

Business analytics is a growing field with many exciting career opportunities. Knowing the pertinent skill sets offers value to the respective business, and thus, carefully choosing these common careers in business analytics helps you find promising job opportunities. For instance, Data analysts work with structured and unstructured data to find insights. Data scientists build predictive models and work closely with other teams. Marketing analysts analyze customer data to improve marketing strategies. These in-demand careers offer challenging work and the chance to help organizations make data-driven decisions.

What is Business Analytics?

An average mobile user generates around 1.7 MB of data every second. This data has to be analyzed to push organizations in the right direction, and this is where business analytics plays a key role.

Check out this insightful video to know more about business Analyst:

Business Analytics Definition

Business analytics is the process of collecting, sorting, and analyzing data using statistical models to transform it into business insights that can be used to solve problems and increase the productivity, efficiency, and revenue of a business.

When we talk about business analytics, we come across words such as statistics, computer programming, strategy, planning, decision-making, big data analytics, etc. Business analytics is a diverse field, where people with both analytical and business skills are in demand across industries for various roles.

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What does a Business Analytics professional do?

Business Analytics skills are a combination of both soft skills and hard skills. To become a successful Business Analyst, one must own core business skills and specialized knowledge that will advance the organization’s objectives. Besides, these are some of the key roles that a Business Analytics professional needs to fulfill:

  • Help in improving business operations and processes
  • Involve in the design or modification of IT systems
  • Indulge in solving business problems and decision-making
  • Gather, analyze, and document business needs and requirements
  • Help in testing the system and also create system documentation

Business Analytics Qualifications and Skills Required

There are some important qualifications and skills required for a career in business analytics. A bachelor’s degree in a field related to data, such as statistics, computer science, or mathematics, provides a solid foundation. Technical skills in databases, programming languages like Python or R, and data visualization tools are essential. The ability to analyze large amounts of data and find meaningful insights is key. Strong communication skills allow analysts to effectively present their findings to stakeholders. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are also valuable in turning data into useful recommendations.

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Why is a Business Analytics Career a Good Option?

More and more companies are starting to reap the advantages of business analytics and are exploring further the benefits and techniques involved in it. Due to this, they are also always on the lookout for the right talent in the field of business analytics. Tech start-ups and IT giants are hiring and demanding skilled business analytics professionals. This makes business analytics a very important skill to possess and a lucrative field to pursue a career in. Moreover, data-driven business decision-making is in; and it is here to stay. Another reason for learning business analytics and opting for a career in it is that the domain offers exposure to various roles, such as data analysis, leadership, research, etc., that enable higher chances of career advancement.

Role of a Business Analyst

Business analytics skills are a combination of both soft skills and hard skills. To become a successful business analyst, one must have core business skills and specialized knowledge that will advance an organization’s objectives.

The following are some of the key roles that a business analytics professional needs to fulfill:

  • Help in improving business operations and processes
  • Be involved in the design or modification of IT systems
  • Solve business problems and decision-making
  • Gather, analyze, and document business needs and requirements
  • Help in testing the system and create system documentation

Want to master Business Analytics skills? Enroll in this Business Analytics Course!

Top Business Analytics Career Paths

In the 21st Century, career growth in the field of business analytics is fascinating and multifaceted. Right from being a mediator, moderator, connector, and ambassador, a business analyst must address all business needs.

In the beginning of a business analytics career, one should either have a strong business background or extensive IT knowledge. The responsibilities of an entry-level business analytics professional include collecting data, analyzing it, documenting it, and so on. After some years, a business analytics professional can be positioned to roles such as senior IT analyst, project manager, and so on.

If you want a business analytics career, here are the seven most prominent business analytics career options you might want to consider.

Data Analyst

Every organization collects a large amount of data, and the job of data analysts is to collect and process this data to get useful information, which helps in improving business strategy and making a better business strategy. In today’s business world, data analysts play a vital role in helping businesses operate effectively with great decision-making skills. 

Average salary: USD 82,000

Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, mathematics, or statistics

Skills: Critical thinking, SQL, data visualization, programming skills, decision-making, etc.

Scope: Insurance companies, credit bureaus, and almost all industries

Data Architect

Data architects are senior-level professionals who use extensive design tools to develop databases for organizations. They ensure that all information, such as financial or marketing records, is accessible to all employees in an organization. Data architects must also be problem solvers, who innovate new ideas and change with evolving technology.

Average salary: USD 164,000

Qualifications: A degree in computer science

Skills: Analytical skills, design skills, applied maths, and statistics

Scope: Both public and private sectors

Learn about the ideal Business Analyst career path in our now!

Information Security Analyst

An information security analyst protects sensitive data, computer networks, systems, and databases from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Key responsibilities include monitoring networks for anomalies and intrusions, analyzing vulnerabilities, developing security protocols, and helping implement security measures to keep a company’s information assets safe.

Average Salary: USD 123,000

Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, or related field

Skills: Knowledge of data and analytics tools, understanding of data privacy, encryption, and security protocols

Scope: Both public and private sectors

Data Analysis Scientist

A data analysis scientist mines large datasets to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights that can improve business decisions and strategy. Using statistical modeling, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools, they inform everything from new product development to marketing campaigns to financial projections. Their analytical expertise determines data-based innovation.

Average Salary: USD 156,000

Qualifications: A degree in statistics, analytics, or computer science and 5+ years of experience with statistical and machine learning techniques.

Skills: Data mining and analysis, Statistical modeling, and data visualization.

Scope: Finance, IT, e-commerce, healthcare, education, and government sector

Quantitative Analyst

A quantitative analyst develops complex financial models using statistical, programming, and data analysis skills to inform investment decisions. Analyzing risk is key, whether creating algorithms to automate high-frequency trades for an investment firm or building valuation models to compare equities. Their math, coding, and quantitative expertise generates financial insights.

Average Salary: USD 172,000

Qualification: Degree in finance, economics, or statistics.

Skills: Financial modeling to analyze risk and valuations, Coding complex quantitative algorithms and models.

Scope: Investment banks, Private equity firms, Insurance companies, and Consulting firms

Looking to expand your career in Business Analytics? Read our blog to learn Business Analytics now.

Chief Data Officer

A chief data officer is a senior-level job role where one has to look after the organization’s data, draw valuable insights from it, and work with analytics and data science departments. A chief data officer also works to increase business performance by tapping into new and innovative sources of data.

To be a good chief data officer, one needs to have relevant skills, such as mathematics and statisticians, plus a specialized master’s degree, and excellent expertise in the IT industry.

Average salary: USD 180,458

Qualifications: A specialized master’s degree and 10 years of experience in data analytics

Skills: Team building, technology and business trend awareness, and presentation skills

Scope: Banking and finance, IT firms, consulting, and healthcare.

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Market Research Analyst

The job of a market research analyst is to gather complex reports, surveys, feedback, and opinion polls in order to understand market opportunities to help an organization deliver its products and services in the best way possible. A market research analyst works on customer needs and satisfaction.

A market research analyst should also have good knowledge of monitoring and forecasting market trends.

Average salary: USD 87,039

Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in marketing or business administration

Skills: Good communication, documenting, and reporting skills, ability to understand key objectives, etc.

Scope: Finance, insurance, manufacturing, e-commerce, and retail

Also, check out the blog on how to become a research analyst.

A Step-by-Step Guide on Pursuing a Business Analytics Career Path

Getting a career in business analytics is an exciting path for those interested in data, technology, and business strategy. Here is a step-by-step overview of your business analytics journey:

  1. Earn a bachelor’s degree Major in information systems, computer science, statistics, or quantitative field to build skills. Minor in business to understand commercial applications.
  1. Get relevant experience like an intern in a tech firm or pursue analytics projects. Getting hands-on experience with data modeling, visualization, and programming is vital.
  1. Earn certification to validate your abilities. Options like Google Analytics, SQL, Tableau, or AWS certifications convey proficiency to employers.
  1. Create a portfolio highlighting analytic, technical, and business skills through coursework, certifications, visualizations, and analysis samples.
  1. Make a network, and attend industry events and conferences to meet professionals and recruiters in the field. LinkedIn is invaluable for connecting with the analytics community.
  1. Ace the interview, prepare to present projects, discuss technical skills, and solve data problems in interviews.
  1. Always improves business analytics and makes use of technology. Commit to improving your skills through certifications, training boot camps, and online courses.

What Challenges might arise during the Business Analytics Career Path?

While a career in business analytics offers great opportunities to solve real-world problems with data, there are still common challenges that arise for analytics professionals:

  • Data Quality Issues: Poor data quality with incomplete, dirty, or biased datasets makes drawing accurate inferences difficult. Cleaning and validating large sets of data can be hard.
  • Tool Selection: With new analytics tools and platforms constantly emerging, selecting the right tech stack is tricky. Getting proficient is time-intensive.
  • Short-Term Mindsets: Executives sometimes prioritize immediate gains over long-term analytics investment. Patience is limited for machine learning and AI initiatives, which take time to mature
  • Communication Barriers: Even with good data insights, the inability to communicate technical analysis clearly to non-technical stakeholders is a challenge. Data storytelling is key.
  • Security Concerns: Strict data governance, privacy, and constantly evolving cybersecurity protocols present professionals with hurdles in accessing data safely and securely.

Top Companies that Hire Business Analytics Professionals

Some of the top companies hiring business analytics professionals are Boston Consulting Group (BCG), McKinsey and Company, and multinationals such as KPMG, Accenture, Deloitte, etc.

If you have more queries, reach out to us at our Community.


Intellipaat’s Business Analytics Master’s Program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering data science, big data, visualization, and advanced analytics to prepare you for a rewarding career in business analytics. You’ll grasp core frameworks like Hadoop, Spark, and SQL for processing large datasets, along with statistical analysis using Python and R. Through data modeling, mining, predictive analytics, and visualization using Tableau and Power BI, you’ll extract and communicate impactful business insights. 

Earning Itellipaat’s Business Analytics certification validates the real-world skills and mastery of technologies needed to excel. Through hands-on projects, case studies, and exercises aligned with industry work, you’ll gain an edge that creates business value.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Does a Business Analyst Do?

Business analysts interpret data, identify trends, and create strategies to improve operations. They bridge the gap between technical insights and practical business solutions, helping decision-making processes.

Is a Business Analyst IT job?

While closely linked to IT, a business analyst’s role focuses on interpreting data for business strategies. It involves collaboration between IT teams and business stakeholders.

Is business analytics a good career?

Yes, business analytics is a valuable career, offering impactful roles, career growth, and competitive salaries, with skills applicable across various industries and high demand in the job market.

Is business analytics a high paying?

Business analytics roles can be high paying, especially with experience and specialization, due to the significant impact on decision-making and strategy.

Is there a demand for business analytics?

Yes, there is a robust demand for business analytics professionals as organizations seek to leverage data for business improvement and competitive advantage.

Is business analytics a lot of coding?

Business analytics can involve coding for data analysis and visualization, but the extent depends on the role and organization.

Is MBA good for business analyst career?

An MBA can be beneficial for a business analyst, providing a strong foundation in business principles, management, and strategic thinking.

Is business analytics a stressful job?

Business analytics can be stressful due to deadlines and high-stakes decision-making but can also be rewarding and impactful.

Does business analyst require coding?

Coding is not a strict requirement for business analysts but can be beneficial for data analysis and interacting with IT stakeholders.

Course Schedule

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Business Analyst Course 20 Jul 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Business Analyst Course 27 Jul 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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Business Analyst Course 03 Aug 2024(Sat-Sun) Weekend Batch
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About the Author

Senior Research Analyst

As a Senior Research Analyst, Arya Karn brings expertise in crafting compelling technical content in Data Science and Machine Learning. With extensive knowledge in AI/ML, NLP, DBMS, and Generative AI, his works get lakhs of views across social platforms that benefit both technical and business spheres.