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What is Cyberspace?
Let us try to fully grasp what cyberspace is before digging into the distinction between hacker and cracker. Humans may be compared to fish in a vast ocean, where the ocean is data and we are the fish.
The information infrastructure, where this information is created, conveyed, interpreted, maintained, and retrieved, surrounds the whole planet’s culture. This infrastructure is typically referred to as cyberspace.
Cyberspace is the system where hackers and crackers live. So, now, let us define hackers and crackers.
Who are Hackers and Crackers?
To put in simple terms, hackers are good individuals with good motives, while crackers are terrible people with horrible intentions. The media has given the term hacker a new meaning that differs significantly from the primary.
So, basically, hackers are coders or computer professionals, with sufficient programming and coding expertise, who seek out and attempt to fix flaws in a system in order to guard it. Hackers never work with malicious intentions. They indulge in ethical hacking.
So, now, you know that crackers are from the opposite team.
Hacker and cracker are almost the same ideas. Hackers and crackers both have a working understanding of systems, programming, and coding. Cracker engage in similar actions as hackers. The goal of crackers, however, is to corrupt the system and network in order to obtain illegal access. This is the primary difference between hacker and cracker.
Crackers engage in unauthorized actions. They utilize their coding and programming skills to achieve personal and financial benefits, steal data, damage data, and even delete vital information. Even though they might not have enough knowledge as hackers, crackers, still, can cause immense damage.
So, now you know the basic difference between hacker and cracker. Keep reading to explore more differences.
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Difference between Hacker and Cracker
Let us put all the differences into a table.
Hackers | Crackers | |
Definition | Hackers are always on the lookout for weak spots in computer and internet security, with the exclusive motive of resolving these errors and improving the content’s security. | A cracker’s job is to disrupt the security of computers and networks. |
Intention | Good | Malicious |
Activity | Legal | Illegal |
Also known as | White hats or saviors | Black hats or evildoers |
Knowledge | Advanced level | May or may not have advanced knowledge |
Professional ethics | Ethical | Unethical |
Certification | Certified | Not certified |
Tools | Use latest and modern tools | May or may not use latest tools |
Known for | Building innovative ideas | Breaking things |
Internet Security | Restore security and corrupted networks | Always cause damage to security systems |
Terms related to Hacker and Cracker
Suicide Hackers
People who want to bring down vital infrastructure for a cause but are neither concerned about the risks associated with it nor about spending 30 years in prison
A person who is new to hacking or phreaking and has little or no knowledge of how technology and hacking operate is often known as a neophyte, noob, or newbie
Script Kiddie
A script kiddie is less experienced with very little expertise in the field of hacking. They enter into a computer system with the help of built-in tools created by others. They have very little idea about the script, i.e., prearranged plan, which is why they are known as a script kiddie.
Elite Hacker
Elite is a term that is used among hackers to identify the most competent hackers. These hackers spread newly found exploits. Members of exclusive groups, such as Masters of Deception, are given a sense of dignity.
Grey Hat
A grey hat hacker is a combination of both a black hat hacker and a white hat hacker. A grey hat hacker, for example, may browse the internet and sneak into a computer system just to notify the administrator that their system is cracked. The hacker may, then, charge a fee to fix the system.
Black Hat
A black hat is a hacker who breaches computer security for no other reason than personal gain or malice. Black hat hackers break into protected networks with the intent of destroying data or making the network dysfunctional.
Blue Hat
A blue hat hacker is someone who operates outside of computer security consulting firms to bug test software before it is released, looking for weaknesses to repair. Microsoft also refers to a series of security briefings under the name Blue Hat.
White Hat
A white-hat hacker is someone who breaks security for non-malicious reasons such as to evaluate their own system. A white-hat hacker is an ethical hacker. The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants provides ethical hacking credentials, courseware, courses, and online training.
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Interesting Facts about Hacker and Cracker Culture
- An exciting thing about this hacker/cracker population is that cyberspace is male-dominated. More than 90 percent of the people involved in these activities are found to be males.
- It is difficult to forecast or even create an approximate estimate of the number of hackers and crackers since the population is always expanding and there are countless secret hackers and crackers who cannot be tallied using any method.
- Even if there existed a statistic that accurately represented the number of hackers and crackers, it would immediately become inaccurate owing to the phenomenal expansion of the hacker/cracker community.
- People get interested in such programming activities for a variety of reasons; some of them being boredom and a lack of other interesting alternatives, the impression of adventure that keeps learning from being a tedious task, and the desire to make data available to the general public.
- Multi-factor authentication and encryption are the biggest cracker obstacles.
We may infer that hackers guard the system against any type of harm or unauthorized access, while crackers strive to acquire unlawful access to the system by engaging in morally reprehensible behavior. Security examinations are carried out by white hats in accordance with a formal contract. No such contract is followed by black hats.
Facts say that there is a cracker attack every 39 seconds, but it is not something to worry about. In order for society to maintain control over this new, rapidly expanding virtual world of technology, society must first comprehend that the hacker/cracker culture already has a hold on our technologies.
Hackers can prevent and rescue cracker attacks with sound knowledge of tools, methods, and reasons used by crackers.