Error Boundaries in React JS

Error Boundaries in React JS

Before diving into React Js error boundaries, ensure you have a solid foundation in web development basics, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and familiarity with React fundamentals and their essentials. Additionally, having a development environment set up with Node Js and a code editor like Visual Studio Code will be helpful. This blog will guide you through the concept and implementation of error boundaries in React, enriching your understanding of this crucial error-handling feature.

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What are React Error Boundaries?

React error boundaries is an error handling concept in React introduced in React v16. It is a fundamental concept in React for robust error handling. They are special components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree during rendering and, in turn, prevent these errors from crashing the entire application. 

  • Error boundaries enable developers to gracefully handle errors and provide a better user experience by displaying a fallback UI or reporting the error.
  • Components of React Error Boundaries:
    • componentDidCatch Method: This lifecycle method is the cornerstone of error boundaries. It’s used to define what happens when an error occurs within the error boundary’s child components. It receives two arguments: error (the error that was thrown) and info (an object containing information about the component stack).
    • static getDerivedStateFromError Method: This static method is used to update the state of the Error Boundary when an error is caught. It’s called during the rendering phase and is used to set the error property in the component’s state.
  • Nevertheless, error boundaries have limitations and do not capture errors in the following scenarios:
    • Event handlers, which require the use of regular try/catch blocks
    • Asynchronous code, such as callbacks within functions like setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame
    • Errors during server-side rendering
    • Errors explicitly thrown within the error boundary component itself, as opposed to its child components

How Do React Error Boundaries Work?

Understanding how React error boundaries work is essential for effective React error handling.

As mentioned above, the special methods provided by React, `componentDidCatch` and `getDerivedStateFromError`, allow you to encapsulate error-prone components and specify how to handle errors when they occur.

Here’s a breakdown of how React error boundaries work:

  • Error Boundary Component Setup: To create an error boundary, you define a new or existing component and implement the `componentDidCatch` method within it. This method takes two parameters: `error` (the error that was thrown) and `info` (an object with information about the error). You can then specify how you want to handle the error within this method.
class MyErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
     componentDidCatch(error, info) {
       // Handle the error here
      render() {
       return this.props.children; // Render the wrapped components
  • Wrapping Components: To use the Error Boundary, wrap it around the components where you anticipate errors might occur. You can do this by including the components within the Error Boundary’s JSX tags.
     <ErrorProneComponent />
  • Error Handling: When an error occurs within the components wrapped by the Error Boundary, the `componentDidCatch` method is triggered. This is your opportunity to perform error-handling tasks, such as logging the error, displaying a fallback UI, or even notifying the user.
    componentDidCatch(error, info) {
      // Log the error
      // Display a user-friendly error message
      this.setState({ hasError: true });
  • Fallback UI: You can also provide a fallback UI within the Error Boundary’s `render` method to display to the user when an error occurs.
    render() {
      if (this.state.hasError) {
        return <div>Something went wrong. Please try again later.</div>;
      return this.props.children; // Render the wrapped components    }

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Benefits of Using React Error Boundaries

Here are the key benefits of implementing error boundary React in your application:

  • Prevent Crashes:
    • One of the primary benefits of error boundary React is its ability to prevent the entire application from crashing due to errors in a specific component. 
    • When an error occurs within a component wrapped by an error boundary, it gracefully captures and handles the error, allowing the rest of the application to continue functioning.
  • Improved User Experience:
    • Error boundary React contributes to a smoother user experience by displaying friendly error messages or fallback UI components instead of blank screens or cryptic error messages. 
    • It ensures that users are not left confused or frustrated when an error occurs.
  • Isolation of Errors: 
    • React error boundaries allow you to isolate and contain errors within specific parts of your application. 
    • It means that even if one component encounters an issue, other parts of the application can remain unaffected, enhancing the overall stability of the application.
  • Easier Debugging: 
    • Implementing error boundaries React makes it easier to identify and debug errors. 
    • By capturing error information, including component stack traces, you can quickly point to the source of the problem, speeding up the debugging process and reducing downtime.
  • Maintainability: 
    • Error boundary React promotes clean and maintainable code by encouraging the separation of error-handling logic from the core component logic. 
    • This separation enhances code readability and simplifies maintenance efforts, as error-related code is encapsulated within the error boundary component.
  • Custom Error Handling: 
    • Error boundary React offers flexibility by allowing you to define custom error-handling logic. 
    • You can choose how to respond to different types of errors, whether by logging them, sending error reports to a server, or rendering specific error messages.

Examples of Using React Error Boundaries

React error boundaries provide a robust solution to manage unforeseen errors gracefully in React applications, ensuring enhanced user experiences by preventing the entire UI from crashing.

Here are the top three examples of utilizing React Error Boundaries:

Capturing Component Errors:

  • React error boundaries enable developers to encapsulate volatile components, safeguarding the application from potential crashes. 
  • For instance, if Intellipaat Software Solutions has a component that fetches course data but occasionally fails, an error boundary can catch JavaScript errors anywhere in a component tree and log those errors instead of crashing the component tree.
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { hasError: false };
  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return { hasError: true };
  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    logErrorToMyService(error, errorInfo);
  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <h1>Something went wrong.</h1>;
    return this.props.children; 

Wrap the volatile component within `ErrorBoundary` to manage unexpected errors effectively.

User Interface Fallback:

  • React error boundaries can be utilized to render a fallback UI in case of an error, ensuring that users are not greeted with blank screens. 
  • For example, if a component rendering course details for Intellipaat encounters an error, a friendly user interface can be displayed, perhaps guiding users to other sections of the application or providing a means to report the issue.
render() {
  if (this.state.hasError) {
    return <CustomFallbackUI />;
  return this.props.children;

Error Analytics:

  • React error handling can be elevated by integrating error boundaries with error analytics. When an error boundary catches an error, it can be programmed to send error reports to analytics services, providing insights into issues encountered by users. 
  • For instance, this can be instrumental for Intellipaat Software Solutions to identify, analyze, and rectify errors in specific course modules or user interfaces, thereby enhancing overall user satisfaction and engagement.
componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
  sendErrorToAnalyticsService(error, errorInfo);

Best Practices for Using React Error Boundaries

To make the most of React error boundaries, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Wrap Components Strategically: Identify error-prone components and wrap them with `<ErrorBoundary>` components. Avoid wrapping your entire application, as it can mask critical issues.
  • Use Multiple Boundaries: Implement multiple error boundaries throughout your component tree. This approach ensures that errors are caught at the appropriate level, making debugging easier.
  • Provide User-Friendly Feedback: Inside your error boundary components, create a user-friendly error message or a fallback UI. Inform users about the problem and guide them on what to do next.
  • Log Errors for Debugging: While displaying a friendly message to users, also log the error details to the console for debugging purposes. This information will help you identify and fix issues quickly during development.
  • Keep Boundaries Simple: Avoid adding complex logic within error boundaries. Keep them as simple as possible to minimize the risk of introducing additional errors.
  • Test Error Scenarios: Ensure that you thoroughly test error scenarios in your application. Simulate various error conditions to verify that your error boundaries work as expected.
  • Maintain a Consistent UI: Design your error components to maintain a consistent look and feel with the rest of your application. This helps prevent confusion for users.
  • Monitor and Update Dependencies: Stay updated with React and its related libraries. New versions may introduce improvements and bug fixes related to error boundaries.


Mastering the implementation of React error boundaries is a crucial step towards creating more resilient and user-friendly web applications. By strategically wrapping error-prone components, providing meaningful user feedback, and sticking to best practices, you can enhance your React error-handling capabilities. 

To further expand your expertise in React front-end web development, consider diving into advanced concepts like state management with Redux, routing with React Router, and optimizing performance through code splitting and lazy loading. Continuous learning and hands-on practice will empower you to build robust and exceptional user experiences in the dynamic world of web development.

About the Author

Technical Research Analyst - Full Stack Development

Kislay is a Technical Research Analyst and Full Stack Developer with expertise in crafting Mobile applications from inception to deployment. Proficient in Android development, IOS development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, MySQL, and MongoDB, he’s committed to enhancing user experiences through intuitive websites and advanced mobile applications.